Anyone running full show on Hansen


New elf
Dec 27, 2023
Hi does anyone know of any light shows running completely on Hansen Electronics He123 Mk2 platform. I would love to watch some behind the scencs of shows and get an idea of what people are doing with them and how they are setting them up in there yard.
Yes. I have 5 of his he123 boards plus a few other pi hats made by Alan.
I have 1 differential board the others are his standards ones with a variety of additional expansion boards to suit their location.
Hi does anyone know of any light shows running completely on Hansen Electronics He123 Mk2 platform. I would love to watch some behind the scencs of shows and get an idea of what people are doing with them and how they are setting them up in there yard.
I use all Hanson long range receivers connected to my Falcon F48. Works perfectly.
Had I know about Hanson before I purchase my F48 I would have gone all Hanson stuff. Much better value and does the same job
I'm running 1x HE123 with 8 differential receivers (not all used) all on one board. Approximately 10k lights. The controller is in the garage you can see in the pic. The downside to running one controller is the amount of cable I guess. I needed approximately 450m to service this layout. Im running maximum 800 pixels per channel so I can run the show @ 40 frames/sec.


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I'm running 1x HE123 with 8 differential receivers (not all used) all on one board. Approximately 10k lights. The controller is in the garage you can see in the pic. The downside to running one controller is the amount of cable I guess. I needed approximately 450m to service this layout. Im running maximum 800 pixels per channel so I can run the show @ 40 frames/sec.
So do you have 2 of the HE123-TX mounted to the controller and then 8 of the HE123-RX2 mounted to each of those power supplies in your garage? Do you then basically run long lengths of pigtail to each prop from there? Is that just to avoid having a power box with the receiver mounted outside at/near each prop? I’ve just finished my first year and looking to expand next Christmas so trying to understand your setup which looks very neat by the way!
Yes I run Hanson boards, HE123Mk2 and HE123D, as well as all my receivers are HE123RX2's, from the board above and a F16v4.
I detail it in my Behind The Scenes
i have 2x HE123, 2 x RPI28+, dmx2-24 and dmx36MK2 -
i will be adding 2 extra rpi28+, 2 more he123 and 2 more dmx2-24 to add all my lights onto alans eqipment
only thing i need now is to figure out how to add relays into the controllers so i can turn 240V items on and off with the show -
example - large blow ups ( power down during certain sequences to not block the view of the lights, then when sequence ended - power them back up)
i need now is to figure out how to add relays into the controllers so i can turn 240V items on and off with the show
You should be able to run a solid state relay off the GPIOs available on the top of the board. They can just be set up as channels in FPP if you want to control them in a sequence, otherwise you can just hit the GPIOs with a command in a schedule of you just want on/off control at a set time
I'm running all of my display on Hanson Electronics controllers.
I have an Octoscrolla controlling my P10 matrix.
I have a number of rpi-28D's running pixels all over the yard.
I have DMX36 and Mega60 controlling dozens of fairy lights and rgb strips and some other rgb leds.
I also have 2 DMX2-24 running a bunch of 2 wire 2 channel icicles along my fence.
Controllers all look something like the DMX2-24 below (if you squint your eyes and the lighting isn't very good). I've been using the same cheap boxes from reject shop for nearly 20 years now. The water/weather proofing is done external to the boxes that I use.
So do you have 2 of the HE123-TX mounted to the controller and then 8 of the HE123-RX2 mounted to each of those power supplies in your garage? Do you then basically run long lengths of pigtail to each prop from there? Is that just to avoid having a power box with the receiver mounted outside at/near each prop? I’ve just finished my first year and looking to expand next Christmas so trying to understand your setup which looks very neat by the way!
This is exactly what I do.
You should be able to run a solid state relay off the GPIOs available on the top of the board. They can just be set up as channels in FPP if you want to control them in a sequence, otherwise you can just hit the GPIOs with a command in a schedule of you just want on/off control at a set time
ok this is good to know - so i could have a sperate PI without a hat just for turning Relays off and on for the blow ups and control it all via FPP - Awesome
now to dig out my old pi's
my show this year will include the following
HE123 - Mega Tree ( possibly with expanders)
HE123 - Matrix and possibly a large merry christmas words ( almost certain i need expanders for this)
RPI28d+ - small lights
RPI28D+ - Selfie Wings, (if they arrive in time)
dmx2-24 - old curtain lights along the house front and old 2 wire stands that i use as fences
and possibly the dmx36km2 for some RBG stips and older 4 wire strands or just as off / on for lights

Hansen electronics for all my gear, i cannot fault the equipment, and the support is top notch
This is my first year as well.
I have a He123 with a tx and 2 remote boards. This will be running about 4.5k lights.. (hopefully if I get it all done. Lol)
So far I have really liked using the hanson gear. Been simple to setup and get going with.
All Hansen products for mine:
2 * HE123 Mk2 with full port licencing running ~16,000 pixels
2 * HE123-TX sending to 5 * HE123-RX2
2 * Power4 power distribution boards providing PI to reduce ethernet cables around yard / over roof.
Mk2 on roof also has the HE123-PX2 16 port expansion to run the garage roof seed matrix.


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