(Archive) Spade over on LOR 'PC' boards



Originally posted September 24, 2009

Hi All,
Looking for an answer from one of our more learned electronic people. With the PC model of LOR board they have spade connectors for the 240V connections, 6.4mm females required to connect. Whilst the output spades are
a reasonable distance apart, the input 'hot' and neutral spades are only a few millimetres apart. From the pictures used in the instructions have the spade covered in 'plastic' to the end of the spade. The spades I have from Dick Smith are not covered fully to the 'end'.

Do I need to use 'covered' female spades to reduce the risk of short circuit, or is the distance on the board OK?

If so, should I cover them with something like the heat shrink cover from Jaycar/Dick Smith do, or should I be using the 'covered' spades?

If I need the fully covered spades, any ideas where to source them from?


Covered is a good idea. If you have already built the unit, then heat shrink is the easiest. I used covered, buying extras from the local mitre 10, but they had only two packets, and they didn't get any more in. I'd try your local catagory killer hardware store to find them.

Chris W.
Eltham Lights
You should be able to get these from your local Jaycar/Dick Smith.

Even an Auto parts e.g. Supercheap, Aussie Auto or Repco should have them.
Hi Ewan

You might be able to use electrical insulation tape.

I have a couple of spare fully covered spades.

If you cannot find any, drop me line and I will post a couple to you.

Shane Chiddy

Camden, NSW
Thanks everyone for your response. I'll go for some covered ones...
Now, the question is, will it be enough to cover the one hot spade, which is next to the 9 neutral spades, or should I cover each and every spade over the board, or just the hot ones? The other hot spades are not near the neutral spade (if you haven't seen the boards before)


Hi Ewan

I had exactly the same thoughts on spade connectors/lugs with my D-light boards a couple of years ago. I sourced the best spade lugs for this jog at a Lawrence and Hanson Electrical Supplies.

The brand is Cabac (most electrical places have them) part number FIQC2-6.4DG, they are 6.4mm wide, rated to 415 volt and best of all they have clear soft plastic casing. They are very easy to work with and being clear it's a bit easier to to see any errant connections. The Quantity is 50/pack I think from memory around $6.

Happy crimping
Bas Perth, Western australia
For safety and peace of mind, use insulated covers n all of them.
It will not be that much of a drain on your budget.
