Arrrgghh... My board won't power on.


Full time elf
Nov 25, 2010
Melbourne (Wantirna)
OK. So my big plan for this year was to dump quite a bit of cash and move HEAVILY into RGB.

Unfortunately work got in the way, and by the time I could research it was far too late to order.

So I'm stuck with 3 old LOR A/C boards which is disappointing.

What is catastrophic however is that one of them, my oldest one, is out of commission it would seem. No status light showing whatsoever.

It looks visually OK (It's an older CTB16PC board only). I've tried switching the A/C inputs, no go. I've switched the fuses both internally (left to right) and externally (swapped with my housed CTB16's) and no go.

I know how to diagnose and fix a triac, but in this case the base power seems to have died somewhere. Are there things I can check, or am I going to have to downgrade my show for this year?
First, where in the world are you ? (hint - update your profile :) )

Next, do any of the LEDs on the board come on?

Thirdly, do you have a multimeter to do some basic tests?
Oh... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

This one was my first ever board, and has been kicking around for years. The other two are properly built units from LOR.

Since this one was 'board only' I attached 18 extension cords to it, quite long ones actually, 16 out and 2 in. This means this one is always severely 'messy'.

So when testing it I hunted through the table full of cables for the two male adapters, plugged them in and then went about troubleshooting for a couple of hours.

Never once in that period did I do the sensible thing and go 'Am I sure I haven't got a random addional extension cord tangled up in the mix'. Having finally had that thought and tracing through the pile of cables... well... umm.... let's just say the problem is now 'magically fixed' and I for completely unrelated reasons feel like an absolute fool....
David_AVD said:

Still, good on you for finding the error. We've all done something like this. :D

Yeah... I somehow took it beyond the usual meme of 'have you turned it off and on again' all the way to 'umm.. have you even bothered actually plugging it in'.