Automatic lyric track alignment Mk2


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Since I found the Automatic Lyric Track Alignment stuff that I posted on back in August, the developer Ben Dudley and potentially others have been working on making the process betterer. Now he has and the result is at . It's a free service and due to load the process may not be done in real time. You can log in with google, FB or a 3rd option that I forget what it is and your lyric tracks that are created are your own and won't be shared unless you do so external to the site. The new site does a fairly complete conversion from mp3 audio and lyrics to an xtiming file.
Ben reached out to me via messenger this evening to tell me about the new site. There's currently a 3 track per hr limit which may be lifted after the site gets a bit more maturity.
Do you have to supply the music file (mp3 or youtube) and the lyrics file? If so, I don't see much benefit in using Ben's website, when you can do it yourself very easily, using AutoLyrix and a simple macro in Notepad++
You have to log into that one, the Autolynx one you don't have to do that at all. I've used the autolynx one a few times and it's fantastic. It's not perfect, but saves a few hours listening and aligning bits and copying and pasting. A real time saver!
Do you have to supply the music file (mp3 or youtube) and the lyrics file? If so, I don't see much benefit in using Ben's website, when you can do it yourself very easily, using AutoLyrix and a simple macro in Notepad++
Ben has created the site specifically to do it as an all in 1 thing. No need to use any macros. Just add the mp3 and the lyrics and you get an xtiming file ready to use/tweak. I don't know why he added the need to log in but it's free and it's easier than his previous process.
Do you have to supply the music file (mp3 or youtube) and the lyrics file? If so, I don't see much benefit in using Ben's website, when you can do it yourself very easily, using AutoLyrix and a simple macro in Notepad++
Still means you need to install notepad and run a macro every time.
This is all in one , and you get the xtiming file ready to use in xlights with no effort at all.

Ben has created the site specifically to do it as an all in 1 thing. No need to use any macros. Just add the mp3 and the lyrics and you get an xtiming file ready to use/tweak. I don't know why he added the need to log in but it's free and it's easier than his previous process.

Having login is good as it will prevent people trying to break it by submitting many requests. This will put your songs in a queue and you can return later to get them. It will also be soon that they will be able to see if another user requested the same lyrics with the same song and it wouldn't need to reprocess.

I think it's great and going to save many hours :)
I just tried it and did a great job, just had to fix a few things but overall a really great tool, thanks for letting us know.
I Tried it last night with 3 songs and they all came out great. I havent slowed them down to check if they are perfect but all 3 at full speed i couldnt see anything that needed to be adjusted.
I had a go at it last night. It was good, fairly quick (needed to refresh the page to see the download). nice to have the xtiming file straight up.
It was about as accurate as the other method, so missed a few bits that were easy to detect like the singer hanging on to a word for extended time, overall it was pretty accurate.
One thing I wasn't as keen on was the entire first layer had all the lyrics on it for the full length. I had to add a bit where the singer was doing a la la la bit that wasn't picked up in the lyrics text, so manually added it. I had to move the first layer out the way. I think the other method I used the first layer was broken up for each part.
Still in saying that I'm amazed at how accurate and easy they both are to use. Saves hours and hours of work! Amazing stuff!