Over on Falcon Christmas someone posted about having issues with a python script to do automatic alignment of lyrics to audio files. This is potentially well worth following as it is the first major step when synching lyrics to music. Between this and the papagayo stuff in xlights it's possible that you could get a lyric track done in minutes rather than hours or more.
<<<-- this is the site that does the cool stuff.
<<<--- Ben's page to convert from the good stuff to the better stuff
<<<--- github repository for the good stuff
It seems that there is some sort of worldwide competition to create programs to synch lyrics to songs. The AutoLyrix creators look to have won at MIREX 2 years in a row.
Problem with python script to generate xtiming lyric track
Problem with python script to generate xtiming lyric track
<<<-- this is the site that does the cool stuff.

GitHub - chitralekha18/AutoLyrixAlign: Pre-trained model and script to automatically align lyrics to polyphonic audio
Pre-trained model and script to automatically align lyrics to polyphonic audio - GitHub - chitralekha18/AutoLyrixAlign: Pre-trained model and script to automatically align lyrics to polyphonic audio
It seems that there is some sort of worldwide competition to create programs to synch lyrics to songs. The AutoLyrix creators look to have won at MIREX 2 years in a row.
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