Baldrick8 RTR pixel limits

Each of the 8 outputs can control 750 pixels. The number that you can directly power depends on the brightness setting of them and also the type of pixel. It also depends on the power supply choice. A 12V 500W supply can theoretically power about 800 12V "regulator" pixels at 100% brightness. Or it can power about 1600-2500 12V "resistor" pixels at 100% brightness. Seed pixels it's probably 4000+ at 100% brightness. Dropping to 50% brightness doubles the numbers. The scale is fairly linear with the global brightness. 5V pixel nodes it's probably something 1000 at 100% brightness from a 5V 200W supply. 5V seeds it's probably also up around the 4000 or so at 100% brightness.
Theoretical and actual are different as when the voltage drops along the cable the current reduces. This varies depending on regulator, resistor or 5V pixels.