Banned From DIYC


New elf
Sep 28, 2010
Leesburg, Florida
Hi Folks,

Some of you probably know me and some don't, my screen name is Mactayl, If you don't mind I would like to make this Forum kinda my new watering hole,,, I have been banned from DIYC for reasons that I am not responsible for. Hopefully I can help the AUS Christmas Lighting Community.

ymust have done something very wrong because it is not in brian policy to ban people for no reason ..not like other site anyway ... welcome aboard
My past experience with DIYC wasnt a good one with the management there, I was being abused with many post i was doing by an ex member here and when i complained about the trolling and abuse i was then given a warning and then a subsequent final warning. So i was put into a position where if i posted anything i was unable to defend myself or have any moderation support. I now do not participate over at DIYC because of the unreasonable management to bad behaviour and trolling. The policy seems to be that Brian doesnt want to deal with anything and takes the ill ban you all approach without any investigation which isnt the best way to manage any conflicts.

So you are more than welcome to join in and its unfortunate that you have been banned from there but I do also know how unfair Brian can be with his jugements and know that even if you are not at fault you can still be banned.
Welcome to ACL. I am new to chat rooms and forums and find it hard to believe the politics and power plays that happen on some of them. So far in ACL I haven't seen any of this .. a lot of strong feelings as far as software and hardware, but no personal attacks. I hope you have better results here. After all, we just want to share our knowledge and enjoy the hobby. Have fun and good luck.
Hey Mac, sorry to hear about your situation.
You have been a member here for 2.5 years already, now it sounds like you'll be a bit more active. :)
I have been checking these forums most every day for 1.5 years now and never seen anything negative towards any member with the exception when I told Eddy that LOR was better than LSP. :D (never happened)
Bird said:
Hey Mac, sorry to hear about your situation.
You have been a member here for 2.5 years already, now it sounds like you'll be a bit more active. :)
I have been checking these forums most every day for 1.5 years now and never seen anything negative towards any member with the exception when I told Eddy that LOR was better than LSP. :D (never happened)

We all have different opinions and software is definetly one of them, but in the end we can joke about these differences without getting nasty because in the end we all do this for the same reasons
Welcome Mac
From some of your posts over on DIY, this is a loss for them.
But on the bright side a gain for this forum!!
Welcome Mactayl,
I started out on another forum to learn about christmas lights before I found ACL.
I was stunned by the rudeness that went on in that forum and how nasty some of the comments were to new people by some of the more longstanding members. It got to the point where I didn't feel comfortable asking a question on the forum as there was a high chance of being made fun or just plain insulted.

Then I discovered ACL and it has been a totally different experience. Lots of help here, lots of encouragement and I have never seen anyone flamed for asking a question, no mater how basic a concept may be to the more experienced.
ACL is a great forum with a huge amount of information available.