Best Sequencing Software

This is a very subjective question, Like asking everyone what is their favorite car.

I use LightShow Pro and have for 4 years and have had great shows using it, I swear by it, but a lot will swear by something else.

The best way is to download the software of the different programs and give them a go.

We could all argue that one software does this and another does that just like we could argue about politics, so make sure you read all these comments knowing that software is like supporting a football team. :D
I am getting into my 1st year of sequencing and RGBs. I am using LOR and xlights/nutcracker. As I posted earlier on another thread, I am "sequencing" my RGB effects in xlights/nutcracker then exporting the effects into LOR S3. I only have six 60 pixel arches this year, so I am not making LOR S3 choke up yet, but I have read that as you get up to high numbers of RGB channels, LOR starts slowing down significantly. So, I am planning to learn a new piece of software next year for my 2014 display as I ramp up my number of RGB channels to try to avoid significant aggravations. I like the LOR S3 package. xlights/nutcracker is totally amazing and very very easy to use (and free--thanks Sean & Matt!!!). I hope this helps.
checkout vixen3 they have made great improvments over vixen2
its now fully rgb
very simple to sequence,..
(only fault - its a bugger to patch the channels)

in the End tho, what is best for one aint best for another..

Spend 5-6 months giving each of the software out there a month trial
see for yourself what you like an suits your needs the best
There are a lot of great sequencing programs out there. I used LOR for years and still think it's a great program, but they have made the decision to not go into pixels in any serious way. I have gone to HLS for this year and am very pleased with it. I have played with vixen3 and LSP and like them both. I would suggest you play with all out there, but give them each a play for at least 2 weeks and take a small show from beginning to end. Most packages that I have played with have a sharp learning curve right up front, so it's easy to get frustrated at learning how to just get them going. But after you learn how to set them up and get your outputs to work, then you can start to see the differences between the software. I don't think there is any one program that does everything, but most that I have tried can do almost anything, but you have to find out how. Anyway, enough rambling .. bottom line, I'm using HLS and am very happy with it. Hope this helps;
I bought LSP but I am back with LOR for this year because of the learning curve and some other smaller issues.

I agree that there are now some great software out there and the sooner you get into playing with them and getting the learning curve down the sooner you will find something that suites your style.

Something for everyone out there, you just have to find your ideal playpen :D