Big thank you for help with my Display this year.


Dedicated elf
May 2, 2010
i would like to give a big thanks to the memebrs of acl that helped me with my display this year.
this year i went from lor s3 software to lsp 2.5. i won this at the last sydney mini and was so wrapped with the prize as i was going to buy it as Superman had been showing me the way with it during the year.
i jumped right into pixels this year with the help of Lithgow and Superman who have been amasing with all my questions.

without these guys and the rest of you in acl i would not have gone from 48 channels to 610 this year to already looking at 12,450 channels for next year. if my plan comes off :D

so once again thanks guys.

and special thanks to teamviewer lol
A big thanks to Superman Steve for all the help with raspberry pi set up
( the sledge hammer is back in the shed)
a big thank you to all those who have helped me catch the CLAP as this is my first year i never knew how much was involved but with late night phone calls , a few frustations and a magic smoke moment i will be having something for my daughter and our family to be proud of and i will say it again BEN it's all your fault lol and a big thanks to the members of ACL including Smartalec Ben Steve Rob Daryl Phil and so many others for helping make this happen
A big thanks to Alan (ahh) on my delivery
now all you need to do is tell me how it works (LOL)
thanks Alan 8)