Closed Boscoyo 2018 AUS & NZ Discount

Bulk buy close date
Jun 15, 2018
Are the SnowFlakes which are 24" is that radius or diameter the size?
All Boscoyo models are fine with 10cm strings. If you download themodel in Xlights you can get the wiring diagram
Discount Code (very early this morning) available until 3PM which I believe to be Midnight Friday in the US.
Have not seen anything on the wiring setup. Can you take a string of nodes and 10cm apart and wire them, or does the xmodel design expect them to be cut. Thanks.

I was thinking the 24" should be able to be one length of lights.

Here is a pic of my 24" 3 pronged ChromaFlake (same as this

with the "standard" 10cm pixel node spacing as you can see the pixel nodes wiring works out great.


The wiring layout is available from xlights when you import the model.

I used square pixel nodes to allow the Chromaflake to sit flush against the wall.
Thanks for the heads up! Yours was the first I bought and really didnt have a great look at it
are the square nodes they use in america different than the ones we get? as they advertise the chroma tree as being able to use square or bullet nodes , bullet nodes as I have just found out is the only option you can't use square nodes
Interesting, But I've only ever used bullets due to the tightness of the top area. Which ones did you get Matt?
square nodes so it would sit flatter at the back against the gable , but there's at least 3 places the holes are too close together I've found so far about 3/4 way through the 1st Tree ,I'm going to have to chop some out and use bullets in those spots, bloody pain as I already have the strings now I'm going to have to order more