Closed Boscoyo Studio Bulk Buy 1 of 2017 - CLOSED

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Bulk buy close date
Apr 30, 2017
No -
"The Bulk Buy will run from now through April 30th. At that time we will finalize the orders and get them on the way!"
I believe they will be sent in the next day or so, I have just heard they packaged up my lot last night :)
I was told last week they would be sent this week. Not sure on shipping time.
We have finished getting all of the orders packed. Everyone should have gotten a shipping invoice. I know there was 3 out standing as of earlier today. We have sent out an additional email to those who still needed to pay. We expect the pallets to leave our facility in two days. Then it goes to the consolidation facility and they will apply the domestic shipping for when it gets to Australia. We also sent packages to Las Vegas for Keith and Daryl. Several orders have already shipped through our postal service since it was cheaper to go that route.

We are looking at ways to do this on a smaller scale in the future. Maybe we hold the packages until we have enough to send to the freight consolidator.

Thanks to everyone who participated!
I see that the orders have been sent by a ATM delivery company.. So it shouldn't be too long. When I checked my Boscoyo account and saw that they were sent on the 18th of May....
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