Brisbane/Qld Brisbane Mini 2012: June 16-17

Just a thought, if its not happening already, the three companies products that are going to be on display will they have shop stands there at all??
Brettus said:
Just a thought, if its not happening already, the three companies products that are going to be on display will they have shop stands there at all??

There wont be a so called shop stand as much but there will be many examples of the different gear available on show with members experiences.
Brettus said:
Just a thought, if its not happening already, the three companies products that are going to be on display will they have shop stands there at all??

Pretty much we will have in a working display almost all the offerings from LOR(240 and DC), David_AVD, j1sys and china. we dont have any renard up here to show.
I am in, looks like it is going to be just what I need to get started.
Hi there all,

Did a quick look in the calendar and there is an event on in Ipswich that will fill up the local accommodation houses on the same weekend as the Mini. It's the Ipswich Cup (horse racing)
For those of you who are staying in town you might want to look into bookings.
I have done a little map and some local options for Motels. The show grounds also caters as a caravan park if anyone need that info PM me.

A: Ipswich Show Grounds - Mini location

B:Quest Ipswich WWW
C:Best Western Ipswich WWW
D:Ipswich Oaks Aspire WWW

E:Ipswich International WWW

F:Country Comfort Ipswich WWW

These Details have been added to the wiki
Unfortunately due to work commitments, It looks like I will be unavailable to come to the Brissy Mini now. Kinda HoHoHoed, but who knows, things may change. (doubtful though)
Venue has been booked and payed for.

Most things are sort of organized.

My animated friends are starting to come to life.

Pixel toy is working

David_AVD has hooked us up with some serious power

No roof work booked for the next couple of months

It's looking like a great weekend
Looking good, Steve :D

Things I want to learn have increased :eek:

So far ...
#1 Replace TRIAC on LOR AC board (do I need to buy one from LOR?)
#2 Need to replace lights in my inflatables with brighter lights
#3 Advice required re blower motor for carousel
#4 Will bring the helium shark and fish
#5 Want to buy a few things from David_AVD
#6 Pick up el T-shirt stuff
#7 Work out power cable needs

New one ...

#8 This arrived yesterday >>>


* he is like a bumper car ... changes direction when he runs into stuff
* his eyes light up and he sings
* the song is hopeless
* and he is sound activated

I'd like a hack ... so that he doesn't sing and is not sound activated ... I want to control him ... lol
kel said:
Looking good, Steve :D

Things I want to learn have increased :eek:

So far ...
#1 Replace TRIAC on LOR AC board (do I need to buy one from LOR?) David_AVD get thoseand can fix them.

#2 Need to replace lights in my inflatables with brighter lights Bring it we'll have a voltage meter.Someone will know how to use it.

#3 Advice required re blower motor for carousel that can be discussed

#4 Will bring the helium shark and fish Can't wait for that one. I love those things.

#5 Want to buy a few things from David_AVD He should be there some where.

#6 Pick up el T-shirt stuff Bevo should be there somewhere

#7 Work out power cable needs This will be covered as a topic
