Closed Bulk Buy - C7 covers - same used for strobes


Fiedler Christmas
May 19, 2010
292 Winkleman Street Ottoville OH 45876
Hi All, Firstly Bulk Buy Rules are here for you to read.,202.0.html

I had a request for extra covers so i thought i would start this thread for people who would like extra for other projects. they work great on lights etc.

Pricing is .18 not including shipping or fees. if your in oz i can ship with rest of order to eddy if you have other stuff from the other buys or just to save shipping. Im in the US so i can ship US orders anytime or with the rest of purchase of strobes or 5050 strips.

Here is rough idea of what i can fit in boxes.

small flat rate - 200
med flat rate - 800
large flat rate - about 1200

please post what you would like and how you want it shipped.

How you want shipped:

again thanks alot
Hi Matt,

Payment for postage made, but I made a mistake in PayPal and sent you $16.95 Aussie dollars. My mistake so I'll let you keep the 4c.. :) .....Thanks once again.

not sure if im the gizmo in the 2nd post
if NOT
Please ship with strobe buy (im just getting 7 PCB things are messed up with my bank)
can you send me what my total will be? and your PP info.