Bulk Buy / Pre Buy posts


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
For any members or vendors who are organising pre-buys or bulk buys, could you please also list the details in the appropriate forum section of the ACL website here: https://auschristmaslighting.com/categories/trading-area.5/
If you are just getting interest before actually placing orders, then the Interest Posts is the correct space. If the bulk buy is actually live/going ahead and accepting orders, then Current is the place to post.
There are many new members who are looking to take advantage of such sales/buys but may not all be on Facebook, or the new buys for 2023 are hidden on old, lengthly posts from years gone by. This will help all members find the information they need. TIA.