Change CCR mapping to DMX for purchased 12 CCR Sequence


New elf
Oct 29, 2012
First of is my current setup:

I am running LOR S3 with a LOR 16 channel controller and an E682 device. The E682 device is connected to my 12 50 2811 pixel strings to make my CCR-ish Tree. I have purchased some CCR sequences, because I can't afford to buy the Superstar Sequencer right now, and they were sent to me as .sup.lms files. I was able to load those into my LOR S3 Sequence Editor without any problem.

What my question is:

Now that I've got this sequence into LOR S3 Sequence Editor I've got 12 50 Pixel CCR's since it was created for CCR's. I can go pixel by pixel (12*50=600 UGG!) and change it to point to my E1.31 DMX but I was wondering if anyone knows an easier way? Or am I even doing / understanding it correctly in the first place. Sorry...still very new to all of this!

Thank you for reading!
I would try copy from your purchased file and pasting the pixel rows into a new sequence, leaving out the other non pixel CCR rows
  1. open the purchased sequence, each CCR string will have 50 rows of sequence and 8 or so other rows(ignore the non pixel rows)
  2. open a new sequence with the relevant song and set it up for 12 strips of 50 pixels each
  3. select a few timing marks for each 50 pixels string and right click, select rows
  4. copy and paste into the corresponding strip on your new sequence.
  5. Repeat until all 12 strips are copied and pasted and save regularly.
Thank you for your detailed response. That makes perfect sense and also reassures me of my understanding of everything.

Thank you again!