Changes to YouTube


Senior elf
Dec 28, 2016
Albany Creek
For those with YouTube channels, be aware of changes coming up soon.

YouTube formally announced its plan to have creators label any videos of theirs that may appeal to children. Starting in January 2020, if creators mark a video as directed at kids, data collection will be blocked for all viewers, resulting in lower ad revenue, and those videos will lose some of the platform’s most popular features, including comments and end screens.

I still don't understand it and have been following it for a few days now.

If you want more information, here is the announcement from YouTube

You will see a new option when uploading videos to identify if the video is made for kids. I am still confused by this, especially in relation to Christmas lights - no my video is not made for kids, but it is.... But it can also be viewed by kids.

But be aware,
YouTube will use machine learning and flagging algorithms to locate child-directed videos that may have been mislabeled. Creators won’t be able to appeal those decisions, though a YouTube spokesperson said the company will be listening to feedback. If the algorithms aren’t effective, YouTube could stop using them entirely and face no threat from the FTC for doing so, leaving creators solely accountable and open to potentially life-altering fines from the government. ticking the wrong option may result in a fine.

Happy to discuss further and get additional information if anyone is interested.
My take on it was that you have to simply choose whether you videos are aimed at kids or not. Saying no doesn't restrict them, but saying yes then uploading clearly adult content could see you banned, etc.
The best part which bites YouTube in the butt is when you have copyrighted music in the video and the monetisation from that goes to the artist. But when its a child video they can't track the ads to make money.
went to put up my ACDC Thunderstruck sequence, and the video was blocked immediately because YT could detect what it was.
Some songs are just blocked straight away on YouTube. Others you get a "warning" for. I think ACDC may be one of those that are blocked.