Full time elf
Hi All!
I thought I'd pop in to let you all know Christmas in July Trivia is on tomorrow night over in zoom. Deets are on the pic below. Troy over at Extreme Lighting Displays has kindly allowed us to use his zoom room so we can keep the main zoom room free for anyone who drops in get blinky help, so cheers @Troy ELD
You have to be quick to join in on Trivia. I am a cheap skate and only have the free version of Kahoots, so we can only have 20 players playing at one time, but please don't let that stop you joining in and listening/watching along. It's always a great night when there is Trivia.
Look forward to seeing you all then.

I thought I'd pop in to let you all know Christmas in July Trivia is on tomorrow night over in zoom. Deets are on the pic below. Troy over at Extreme Lighting Displays has kindly allowed us to use his zoom room so we can keep the main zoom room free for anyone who drops in get blinky help, so cheers @Troy ELD
You have to be quick to join in on Trivia. I am a cheap skate and only have the free version of Kahoots, so we can only have 20 players playing at one time, but please don't let that stop you joining in and listening/watching along. It's always a great night when there is Trivia.
Look forward to seeing you all then.