Christmas Sparky hello


New elf
Nov 29, 2018
Hi guys... the love of lights as a career has LED (pun intended) me to an expensive yet satisfying hobby...
I will be diving deep into it for a display ready for 2019 christmas and followed on for Australia Day 2020...
I live in Victoria. In the eastern of the yarra valley!!
A lot of great lighting displays but a lot of old school displays! Not automated like mine will be!
This is all planned getting it past the boss and having to get a separate bank account if need to get it pass lol...
look forward to getting tangled in pixels and glueing my hands together with you all for this exciting new hobby!
Welcome to ACL @christmassparky
Plenty of info that covers everything you'd possibly need to know are within these (virtual) walls on the forums, wiki pages or in chat where there's always someone to help out.
The 101 that Oz linked is a must read and if there are any specific questions, just ask :)
Welcome to the mad house
never tell the boss what it costs.......just compare it with her shoe spending
Hello fellow Yarra rangien (think I just made up a word). Welcome. I'm in chirnside park, so if you need help or to look at controllers etc before you buy, happy to assist.