Clamp Meter Suggestions or Reccomendations


Full time elf
Generous elf
Dec 22, 2012
Frankston North, Victoria
I am looking at buying a Clamp Meter

In the past I have just guessed at the amount of power been sucked out of each of my power supplies, (And have been lucky that none have failed)

Any suggestions or recommendations as to a decent Clamp Meter unit
If you are looking at measuring the power out of a power supply or a pixel controller or whatever this will mean a DC clamp which are more expensive. They also usually have a zero feature on them as it's usual that they have DC offset with them.
Personally i like anything with "FLUKE" written on it, but then again I have an employer who buys mine… ;)

I would suggest checking out the local electrical wholesalers and/or buying one from Jaycar or such before buying direct from China, that way you can be certain that it is approved and shouldn't blow up in your hand etc

Fasteddy said:
What is your budget as price can vary a lot for these

Budget around $100.

Seen one at Jaycar for $129
Seen One at Masters $139

Anyone used these? or best going for the $150+ Fluke
I got a Bundle of a Fluke117 and a Clamp on meter for about $250. You get what you pay for. Check Ebay though, there are often deals to be had.