Comms Port ERROR 8002 Open serial port has failed


New elf
May 24, 2020
I am a newby to this just bought my controller and the software last night. I installed the LOR software and when I open it I get this error.

"Comms Port ERROR 8002 Open serial port has failed"

Any ideas how to fix it?
Not sure if this old post will help but worth a look

Not sure if this old post will help but worth a look

I read that one and he said to update the Driver certificates. I just do not know how to do that either. Thanks for the reply.
What controller is it? More details would help a bit.

It's plugged into Windows I assume. Windows 10? Probably an older driver that isn't signed properly for Windows 10. you could try updating it?

Right click start button, select device manager, find the device you want to update (and right click update driver).
it is a light orama board @Dreamin. it will have something to dow with the coms port listener but i have not used one in like 7 years so a little rusty on them