Controller Ammo Box Theft


Apprentice elf
Dec 15, 2020
Hello. How do you keep your controller/power supply ammo boxes from being stolen? I was worried that someone would walk away with my box. Do you unplug and bring them in every evening or what do you suggest?

Security camera in the front yard, chain/lock boxes to trees, posts etc. Terminate 1 or more cable inside the box. Nothing is a certainty if they want it bad enough. Have to trust good will
In my first year of using meteor lights I was worried someone would take them.
That year I used an Arduino for an alarm on certain 'within reach' lights. I wrapped a thin cable around the lights wires. If this wire was cut the Arduino would turn a relay on to sound a siren for 30 seconds.

Now I just use CCTV to see what is happening.
CCTV is more of a deterrent because getting a decent image of their faces in the dark is hard.
New CCTV has options for flashing lights/sirens or voice recordings when they detect what the AI believes is a person.
At some point I'm wanting to hook motion sensors into my new digital system and play voice recordings.

Locking enclosures down and hiding out of sight is an obvious passive deterrent. Out of sight is out of mind.
I would lock an enclosure to a tree or bush. Otherwise a really massive screw ground stake. Anything to make them take longer to remove it and hopefully get caught in the act.

Other things you can do is mark the parts inside inconspicuously. A marking that the person wouldn't try to remove and if it ended up on eBay you would know it's yours.
A simple printed sticker looking like a serial number would fool them.
I'm not real worried about someone stealing my controller boxes, I figure most thieves couldn't be bothered to undo all the plugs. Just in case though, all my boxes have a padlock on them and are attached to something. I don't have a garden so my boxes are attached to walls, fences or poles with screws or zip ties.

It's all about slowing a thief down so they wont be bothered stealing it. The padlocks are also there to stop anyone opening them up and accidentally breaking things or hurting themselves (there is live 240V AC in most boxes!).

If your box is on the ground you could attach it to garden anchor spiral stakes, there's a heap of different types, here's an example.

Other things you could consider if you're worried is a security camera and/or a security light.

A couple of years ago I had a guy who, I know you're not supposed to "judge a book by it's cover", looked a little dodgy and was asking how much the controllers were worth. I couldn't quite tell if he was asking because he wanted to know if he could afford the hobby, was worried for me that I had a lot of money sitting out in the open, or how much he'd be able to sell them for.
I told home several hundred dollars each, and also said there's no real second-hand market for them and we're a small community and would soon know where they'd come from if they turned up on ebay.
I have countless enclosures around the yard. No ammo boxes though. I've never had an issue with any theft, guess that depends on where you live. All of my enclosures are securely mounted to fence, tucked under the eaves, anchored to mega tree, etc. If you're concerned make it very difficult to remove the item from the display. You can also conceal them with something such as a present, fake rock etc. Most thieves wouldn't know where to start with selling the stuff we use for our displays. Maybe I've just been lucky over the years.
Ive had a Thieve Steal 2 of my old analog camera's (last town),
but he tiptoed through the light display, (lucky he did'nt kill himself, small star-picks in yard)

I learned one thing with this hobby,
People are dumb as to what we do an how we do it.
They have no idea what a controller box is.. (or what it is worth to us)

But a big yes to Security camera's, The Higher the Resolution the better..
Make them look like they'll zap themselves if they touched, and make them look as dodgy/unsafe as possible. :)

Ammo boxes to me, seem like something worthwhile to steal.... i.e. they might have ammunition or firearms in them... yeah, I know that sounds stupid.
Considering the current inability of some folks to understand that the box with all the wires coming out of it isn't worth much to anyone but us Blinky Heads, we have to make sure that all boxes are secured to something that can't just walk off. Sad state of affairs, but it is the way of the world today. A side benefit is that when a structure failure, such as from a great wind, means that all the parts will be in approximately the same location, all tethered together, when we go to pick it up.
I wrap mine in bare 240 volt cable that goes around and into the boxes and then come out and wired directly into a dummy power switch padlocked to power on.
I have the bare wires hooked up to a Tesla coil so they emit blue sparks

Just Joking. Mine are old analogue boards, mounted on top of the Psu with 6 - 8 controllers per enclosure. Each enclosure is mounted on a steel frame with the feet held down with large tent pegs. 128 leads to undo before they can even try and move the enclosure. I am more concerned about props being stolen or vandalised when I'm not home
My controller boxes are chained to the gum trees and padlocked. I also have security cameras, and after the show is finished the front spot lights are back on the normal movement sensors. (Not that I'm paranoid or anything.... )
I think someone would open one of my boxes and get confused, and scared at all the wiring, and probably leave it alone. All my control boxes are in the middle of my show so you need to put some effort in to get over barriers, across lawns covered in lights etc. Other boxes that are within reach are just multiboxes and extension cords connected to run power to other parts of the display, so nothing worth taking.
I've never had anyone try to open one or even pay attention to them as they just assume its power cables to plug lights into.
CCTV also is one of my deterrents. You would be visible on at least 3 cameras at all times from different angles if you were to try get into a box.