Converting LOR files to run in the Nutcracker scheduler

Not sure I understand the question.

In LOR my universes start with 1.

My LOR controllers are on network Regular.

I am attaching my current channel config.

I would love to run the show with xlights except for one reason MIIP.

If we could get ItsmeBob0 to write MIIP for xlights it would be a match made in heaven.

Here is my current playlist
Thanks Frank,

I think I am OK with the 4ga patch LOR is running better for this year. I responded a few min ago but it vanished on me.

I need to make a complete over haul for next year after the Jan relaps. I will be talking with you then if that is ok.

But finish my thought here... If I create a detailed sequence in superstar using rgb's or ccr's then export to LOR sequencer and the convert to xlights. Do I create a model in xlights that matches the superstar model? can I create such a model? I am still missing a link in my head,,,, well probable more then just one link. I would like to see a sample of you spread sheet at some point.

At least now I will be eating the Turkey.

I attached the ccr tree I have been speaking of FYI**** I keep try to send the .jpg but it is hanging up it is only 872kb

I tried to recreate you issue with a sequence created using your channel mapping but no luck... I can't see a reason why you would be running into this issue with your conversion.
