CYT3005 40mm Pixels - Inside View


Senior elf
Apr 26, 2010
Houston, TX, USA
I purchased some sample CYT3005 40mm diffused pixels which can be found here: they also come in 50mm and 60mm

There is a website link on the board - but that website no longer comes up. Here is a google cached version of it:

These are "sealed" units with a translucent top attached to a black plastic base. So, after ripping off the top, the first thing I noticed was that there was water trapped INSIDE the pixel. You can see rust on the top and bottom of the board. The "sealing" job consisted of rock hard silicone sealant around the inside edge of the board. I'm not sure I fully understand why there is even silicone sealant other than to hold them in, because it doesn't even stick to the plastic - I was able to pull it out cleanly with just my fingers. The wire is fairly heavy gauge and the circuit board is fairly strong. I'm not sure how the color output is since I don't have a 3005 driver. There is also no way to know the direction the string should be driven since there isn't any external markings that I can find.

I'd think twice about purchasing these sealed pixels based on the quality issues I've seen so far. See sample photos below.


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mrpackethead said:
Another quality purchase from china? Is it worth the risk?

Doing the best I can do when you can't fly to China to inspect the factory directly.

Is it worth the risk? Sure - seeing the kids all excited, getting the little hand drawn letters - it all makes it worthwhile.
No good about those modules D.

On a side note I can see the labelling for Data Out (DO), Data In (DI), etc.
Work out data direction from that.

Tabor said:
No good about those modules D.

On a side note I can see the labelling for Data Out (DO), Data In (DI), etc.
Work out data direction from that.


Makes sense - also looks like the black arrow shows the direction of transmission in->out
dmoore said:
mrpackethead said:
Another quality purchase from china? Is it worth the risk?

Doing the best I can do when you can't fly to China to inspect the factory directly.

Is it worth the risk? Sure - seeing the kids all excited, getting the little hand drawn letters - it all makes it worthwhile.

I sympathise.. The problem is that at the volumes your dealing in, you'll struggle to get the more reputable factorys to get excited about working with you.. So you get to work with middlemen ( in china they call these "trading companys" ) who buy and sell stuff as they go.. they hold no stock, and will pick their way through the surplus markets in shenzhen ( a hobbists dream, theres som amazing bargins to be had, but also some big risks to be taken ).. The real issue that can happen is when the trader for one reason or other "substitutes" your known good parts for something "similar".. this can be a really killer..

We all know that you can buy 12mm rgb pixels from a hundred places.. And there are a lot of differences between them!

So, even when you've done all your homework...
dmoore said:
Is it worth the risk? Sure - seeing the kids all excited, getting the little hand drawn letters - it all makes it worthwhile.

Yes, your right.. and i'd do it all just for my four year old grand-daughter.. just for a few moments, we transport people out of their "reality" and give them a safe happy place... I have people stop me in the street every week, and say, hey your the light guy, we loved your tree,when will it be back this year i want to bring my ... and i guess we all take lots of risks to pull this stuff off..

Sorry if my commerical mind got in the way.
Tabor said:
On a side note I can see the labelling for Data Out (DO), Data In (DI), etc.
Work out data direction from that.

A bit hard when they normally have a sealed, non-clear dome over them. :)
Not sure if this helps but I did find this contact information for reporting "after sales" complaints:

contact the vice president of quality and after-sales complaints: BLUE

手机:13684972316 QQ:597837410 Mobile: 13684972316 QQ: 597837410
I'd love to see people post more details about items they've order - quality issues, sizes, etc. This helps everyone from spending time on junk we should stay away from and focusing on the good items and suppliers.


yes more honest reviews will help everyone and may even help get better products.

btw, the connection direction is marked... DI (In) and DO (Out) :)

AussiePhil said:
btw, the connection direction is marked... DI (In) and DO (Out) :)


Is this stamped somewhere on the outside of the pixel where you can see it? I didn't see anything.