Detailed write-up of how I did my first display in 2019


New elf
Mar 6, 2019
Last year I got the bug and installed my first display. I did a lot of reading, watching and learning and attended the Sydney Mini and I think my display turned out ok and I enjoyed the experience. I notice a lot of people on these forums are looking for advice for their first display so in this blog I wrote up what I learned and how I put it all together. Actually it's not really a blog, just a series of entries so the first entry is at the bottom of the list. So far I have covered the hardware, software to come soon. Hope the newbies can get something out of it and maybe the older hands can let me know if I made any mistakes. Looking forward to any feedback.
Thanks for documenting this into a blog. Reading through all your entries has helped clarify a few things for me. I felt pretty comfortable with most of the steps you outlined until the maths and wiring diagrams crept in. I think that is what is putting a damper on my enthusiasm - I find the wiring and powering aspects very daunting. I am thinking that starting really small, with just some basics (Pi > Controller > PSU > 2-4 strings of lights, for example) would allow me to play around with how the wiring and powering hangs together. Kind of a sandpit environment to understand the basics for the hardware. I'm less daunted by software and also putting together props.

Please post back here if you create any further articles for your blog!
I thought to myself that if I nail my first display which is this year i would attempt write a similar and include all the videos that helped me get it done. I found at the beginning it was so daunting some of the vids I was watching were kind of all over the place and not making much sense but once things start to make sense its really quite easy although I've still got abit to go..

Im sure this blog will help many in their journey.
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