differance between 2801 and 2811


New elf
Jul 21, 2011
first of all thanks for this forum. due to this forum i learned a lot.:)
i have j1sys p12 pixel controller. i m thinking buy some pixels from china. specially i m looking some digital strip.i m planing to make christmas tree and archs.

2. differance between 2801 and 2811.
thanks for your help
Others will jump in after me and give full explanations but the primary diff between those 2 strips is one is 5v, the other is 12v. You will need more power injection with the 5v.

The price of 2811 is great at the moment as you can see.

To quote Eddy in another thread...."The great thing about the 2811 is that it is has a specifcation of 20 metres between pixels compared to 6 metres for the 2801. So the 2811 is a far better choice when wanting to make longer runs between pixels. If the distance is too far then just use a dummy pixel or you can use the ECG-PPX which can extend the pixel signal to over 100 metres. So there are options there."

The 2811 is not currently supported by the J1 products but should be any day now. Till then everyone is using the 180X code in the software as that works.

Im a noobie so only giving info that I know so far :) I have 2811 modules that I have on the ECG-P2, work beautifully :)
The primary difference is that the 2801 has the timing done on the IC itself, thats why it has a clock signal. the 2811 has the timing basically within the data instead so there is no requirement for a clock wire. This means if connecting lots of 2811 strip together then bandwidth requirements would be larger and refesh rates would be slower than the 2801. But this shouldnt be a great issue and is really untested on 12 strips of 2811 and how they perform compared to 12 strips of 2801.
The other difference is that the 2811 strip can get a further distance than the 2801 between pixels, as far as how far, i have tested up to 10 metres with success.
They both are 8 bit meaning they both have 256 dimming steps per colour, so no differnce there
The 2811 will drive the LEDs at 18.5mA compared to the 2801 which drives the LEDs at 20ma so not a great deal of difference there.
And finally the price difference is well in favour of the 2811 as the 2811 strip can be obtained for $36 for a 5 metre strip and the 3 LED modules can be bought for $14 for 20 modules which is only a couple of more dollars than the dumb RGB modules.
The P12R and other J1SYS controllers dont curerntly officially support the 2811 and i have had success running the 2811 strip using the 1804 code at a refresh speed of 2400 with the lights connected through a 5 metre extension lead. I have also seen some flicker when using the 1804 code when bench testing, The official 2811 code will be out in the next firmware realease for the ECG Pixel controllers which is an easy process to update.
Thanks for quick reply
1.for p12 which is best 5v or 12V. is it necessary inject the power ?.
2. where can i get 180x code. i have LSP 2.5
3.to install 180x do you have any link in forums.
frankpeter2006 said:
Thanks for quick reply
1.for p12 which is best 5v or 12V. is it necessary inject the power ?.
2. where can i get 180x code. i have LSP 2.5
3.to install 180x do you have any link in forums.

1. It will accept both voltages, refer to the ECG-P12R manual on connections. As far as what is better 5vdc or 12vdc pixel strings then refer to this thread

2. The 1804 code is already in the P12R and is one of the output options when setting up the P12R. It is the language used to talk to the correct type of pixel. The 1804 output on the P12R will work for testing purposes on the 2811. There will be an update soon to update the P12R to officially support this

3. As in answer 2, its part of the P12R hardware setup and can be found in the P12R manual on page 20.
Back to the original post, I guess you realise it, Peter, but just in case anyone missed the point:

The difference between the 2 strips is not just the voltage.
The first strip (5V) has 32 LEDs per metre and each is individually controlled by its own chip.
The second strip has 30 LEDs per metre (near enough the same), but organised in groups of 3 LEDs per chip, which is why it needs to be 12V. Ten chips per metre means lower display resolution - not an issue in many cases - but it's much cheaper.
