DIY ryobi pixel tester

Nice idea!
Have you done any testing on how many pixels and for how long the batteries last for? Could also be handy for a mobile prop.
Nice idea!
Have you done any testing on how many pixels and for how long the batteries last for? Could also be handy for a mobile prop.
no, i just use them for testing.

the pixel tester i got from lightitupleds, it says it supports 2048 pixels

the converter i got has a max output current of 2.5A

you can get 9.0 Ah batteries

so if you were to do a mobile prop you could use wled/esp32 and the large battery, you could add more output amps by connecting 2 converters to the battery and do a power inject to get say 5A total which should got you more pixels.

you should be able to workout roughly how long it would last based on how many amps your prop draws and the size of the battery(9.0ah)
Do you have a wiring diagram that shows how to use 5v and 12v switch ?
I thought I'd do the same, but then realised with an extra charger, I could have one for each.

Then again, it was going to be a bit of a pain as I'd need two pigtails, as I do xconnect for 5v, and raywu for 12v.
Great idea. When I first started playing with pixels, I was told to not hotswap them, as the voltage spike when plugging them in could fry the chips. I reckon I lost a few in the first years by not following that advice. I would be very inclined to put a switch on these, with a power on led indication. I know others pooh pooh the hotswapping notion, and have been playing with pixels for centuries without ever frying one. I can only speak from my experience.