Does this make sense?


Full time elf
Jun 21, 2012
Kingston, Ontario
Ok, since my last post I have been researching, reading and planning more. I think I am sorted now but would be interested in others opinions on whether I am getting a decent show for the investment.

I have one LOR CTB16PC, and enough lights for the 8 mini trees being built. (2 channels per tree, 1white and 1 coloured). I also have LED icicles (white) for under the eaves of the house and have just ordered my FM transmitter.

I am looking at a second LOR controller amd the S3 advanced version as a starter kit to make one arch as well as control other front of house lighting, windows, garage doors, etc. I will need to purchase the following kit for that:

SPK-ST Generic Starter Package with USB booster and 50 ft. Cat5 cable. 134.85$
Card Assembled complete package CTB16PC with 50 ft. Cat5 cable. 225.95$

I am also going to add 200 pixels across the front of my house as eave lighting instead of running multiple strings of standard LEDs. I am looking at the following kit to make this work:

From Ray Wu:
2- power Supplies, 1 5 volt, 1 12 volt 40.21
5- strings of pixels either 9813IC or WS2801IC 125.00
wire (roll) 29.47

From Sandevices:
1- E681 Pixel Controller (assembled) 180.00
1- ELOR protocol bridge 125.00
1- Prop Plug Interface tool for ELOR 18.00

so my questions are:
Is this the best way to spend my 900 dollars + shipping
Am I missing anything?
Does this look like the right way to go about building my display as I really only have one controller so far and it would work in DMX mode if I went with different software, etc.
I appreciate input from anyone with more experience than me (everyone)
Thanks, Brian

side question, If I use pixels for an arch, how many pixels per foot would me needed? is one 50 pixel string enough for a 8 foot arch?
the p2 from ed-j1sys could save you a couple $$$and will support upto 8 universes.

Also the 2811 pixels may save a few more $$$

You have planned your attack well , now your attacking your plan :)

Maybe some of the lor guru's will chime in with better advice for that hardware .

Lõõks good to me Brian .

Thanks Angus40, I chose the Sandevices line because the website was clear about what I could use with LOR and the joshua systems website is a lot harder to follow in terms of what exactly I would need. I tried to send j1sys a pm but for some reason it was blocked. Maybe he will read this and respond here or by pm. I really know nothing of any of this gear and am just hoping to fumble through with a little guidance from more experienced people.

Hold off on the ELOR bridge (no offense), but LOR "should" be releasing soon there support to 1.31 with out any hardware needed. There may be an up charge on S3 tho, I've seen some discussion on this.
No offense taken at all Cenote. If I didn't want others opinions I wouldn't ask the questions. The longer this decision takes the more choices I get mixed in. I hope I make the right choices.
Both Vixen and Light Show Pro support E1.31 without added cost. Both also support lor controllers. Just another thought for more hardware support sooner and less cost.
Thanks for the input all. After the input here and in chat I have now almost completely changed the way the show will be laid out. I think the new arrangement offers more flexibility and room to grow.

Using the one LOR controller that I have in DMX mode for my mini-trees (white), a couple of channels for the eaves icicle lights and a couple channels free for adding in a star or some bells if the budget allows this year.

The new plan is now to use HLS software (or maybe vixen) allowing me to invest the money in more pixels. I can now get all the kit needed to do all my perimeter lighting (eaves, windows, garage doors) in pixels, for the 900 dollars listed above and this number includes the shipping. I am now looking at the following kit to accomplish this:

Ray Wu:

3- Power supplies: 1-5V 350 watt, 1-12v 350 watt, 1-5V 60 watt waterproof. 113.45$
1- roll of RGB wire (4 strand) 59.01$
12- strings 9813IC rgb pixels 518.40$


1- E681 Pixel Controller 205.00$

This gives me a new total of 895.86$ and includes shipping.
It provides four universes of pixels with the universes for the garage doors and the windows each running between 150 and 160 pixels and the two eaves universes running about 95-110 pixels each. I know I have will order more pixels than I need but this allows for some null pixels and some left over. Maybe enough for three coro-candles I hope.

I think the only thing left to sort is getting the signals from the PC to the LOR controller and the E681. I think I can just plug the E681 into the home LAN but I am not sure how that effects connecting the LOR controller.
OK pixel drawings are finalized for this year

First the house outline with the location of the pixel controller:


The first pixel universe:


This run is along the front eaves above the garage and is approx 31' 6" long. I am calculating just under 100 pixels based on 4 inch spacing. This run begins at the center of the house and travels outwards.

The second pixel universe:


This run also starts at the center of the house and travels up the peak and back down the other side. Each side is 17 feet for a total of 34 feet. this will take 100-105 pixels and will have some power injected at or near the peak.

The third pixel universe:


This run travels down inside the garage to the first pixel at the bottom of the center-most garage door then travels up, across, and back down. A short splie placed in the line for going around the center pillar at the bottom and as a location for power injection. Then back up and around the outer-most garage door. The distance of this run is approx. 47 feet which should be just under 3 strings.

I may need to change the power injection to two locations, maybe two thirds of the way up the center pillar.

The fourth pixel universe:


This is the one I need some input on. Here is how I was thinking, let me know if you think it should be different. Starting at the innermost corner of the small window above the door wrapping around that window. Power injection and a run of wire with a null pixel or two over to the innermost window. Around that window and a second run of wire with null pixels over to the last window. Power injection from a weatherproof 12 supply in the garden below the windows allowing me to inject fresh power at the start of each window. The total run of this universe is 51 lighted feet for which I am allowing for three strings of pixels. The null pixels will get wired into the extra stretches at 1 meter intervals.

If money goes this far I may include 3 Coro-candles at the garage:


Not even thought about the wiring for these yet.

The whole thing should look something like this. (plus the mini-trees, icicles and whatever else I put on the LOR controller)


Any input is welcome.
Very first question that needs a definate answer is...

Can a single output from a E68x controller drive 100+ pixels?

I know that it handles 680 pixels across the 16(?) output connectors but just what is the physical limitations to pixels setups.

once this questions is answered then the rest falls into place.

The distance you are looking at should pose no issues even the inter window distance shouldn't need any "null" pixels

I think they are divided into four groups of four so I assumed I could but I really don't know.
It my be a moot point however because I believe the j-sys [/size]ECG-P12R is less money and three times the universes.
All 680 can be on a single output, of course power would be injected as required.
OK I hope this is the last revision. someone here has made me rethink strips so this is a mixture of mostly strips with some pixels and modules.


Pixel Strip Layout
Black Pentagon – All Controllers and main Power supply mounted in garage behind this location.

Dark Green & Light Green – Strip, 12V, 8.99 meters, Eaves over garage, two universes approx. 270 channels (x3-RGB)

Light Blue & Dark Blue – Strip, 12V, 10.36 meters, Eaves over house, two universes approx. 306 Channels (x3-RGB)

Blue Star – Pixels, 5V, Peak of eaves, 1 universe, # of pixels to be determined by build.

Orange, Brown, And Purple. Strip, 12V, 11.6 meters, Front windows, 3 universes, 348 channels (x3-RGB)

Yellow – Strip, 12V, 3.4 meters 102 Channels (x3-RGB) and 4 or 6 modules over garage doors. 6 channels (x3-RGB)

Red – CoroCandles, (smaller than Eddys) 24modules per candle 72 channels (x3-RGB)

All Strip, modules and pixels are WS2811.
ECG- P12R - for both greens, yellow and red universes with room to grow.
ECG-P2 - for all blue universes together, and orange, brown, and purple universes together.
ECG-D2 – for lor controller, mini-trees, icicles, etc.
Power Supplies:
12V-350 Watt - (Ray Wu)
5V-350 Watt- (Ray Wu)
I would like to run the first pixel on every output just above the controller as "activity" lights. The only thing I need a bit of help with is sorting where and how to power. I live in Canada so 12 gauge house wire is easy to come by. Will I need additional power supplies?
Thanks, Brian