Full time elf
Ok, since my last post I have been researching, reading and planning more. I think I am sorted now but would be interested in others opinions on whether I am getting a decent show for the investment.
I have one LOR CTB16PC, and enough lights for the 8 mini trees being built. (2 channels per tree, 1white and 1 coloured). I also have LED icicles (white) for under the eaves of the house and have just ordered my FM transmitter.
I am looking at a second LOR controller amd the S3 advanced version as a starter kit to make one arch as well as control other front of house lighting, windows, garage doors, etc. I will need to purchase the following kit for that:
SPK-ST Generic Starter Package with USB booster and 50 ft. Cat5 cable. 134.85$
Card Assembled complete package CTB16PC with 50 ft. Cat5 cable. 225.95$
I am also going to add 200 pixels across the front of my house as eave lighting instead of running multiple strings of standard LEDs. I am looking at the following kit to make this work:
From Ray Wu:
2- power Supplies, 1 5 volt, 1 12 volt 40.21
5- strings of pixels either 9813IC or WS2801IC 125.00
wire (roll) 29.47
From Sandevices:
1- E681 Pixel Controller (assembled) 180.00
1- ELOR protocol bridge 125.00
1- Prop Plug Interface tool for ELOR 18.00
so my questions are:
Is this the best way to spend my 900 dollars + shipping
Am I missing anything?
Does this look like the right way to go about building my display as I really only have one controller so far and it would work in DMX mode if I went with different software, etc.
I appreciate input from anyone with more experience than me (everyone)
Thanks, Brian
side question, If I use pixels for an arch, how many pixels per foot would me needed? is one 50 pixel string enough for a 8 foot arch?
I have one LOR CTB16PC, and enough lights for the 8 mini trees being built. (2 channels per tree, 1white and 1 coloured). I also have LED icicles (white) for under the eaves of the house and have just ordered my FM transmitter.
I am looking at a second LOR controller amd the S3 advanced version as a starter kit to make one arch as well as control other front of house lighting, windows, garage doors, etc. I will need to purchase the following kit for that:
SPK-ST Generic Starter Package with USB booster and 50 ft. Cat5 cable. 134.85$
Card Assembled complete package CTB16PC with 50 ft. Cat5 cable. 225.95$
I am also going to add 200 pixels across the front of my house as eave lighting instead of running multiple strings of standard LEDs. I am looking at the following kit to make this work:
From Ray Wu:
2- power Supplies, 1 5 volt, 1 12 volt 40.21
5- strings of pixels either 9813IC or WS2801IC 125.00
wire (roll) 29.47
From Sandevices:
1- E681 Pixel Controller (assembled) 180.00
1- ELOR protocol bridge 125.00
1- Prop Plug Interface tool for ELOR 18.00
so my questions are:
Is this the best way to spend my 900 dollars + shipping
Am I missing anything?
Does this look like the right way to go about building my display as I really only have one controller so far and it would work in DMX mode if I went with different software, etc.
I appreciate input from anyone with more experience than me (everyone)
Thanks, Brian
side question, If I use pixels for an arch, how many pixels per foot would me needed? is one 50 pixel string enough for a 8 foot arch?