Dual purpose Merry Christmas/Happy New Year sign


Senior elf
Dec 28, 2016
Albany Creek
Wondering if anyone has built a dual purpose MC/HNY sign for the display? Looking it at some of the letters are close (M and H can use the sides with a - for the H, etc) so they could be used for both signs. If you have built one, any challenges etc?
I already have a frame for Merry Christmas so a little bit of extra work could see two signs for the price of one.
Photo 30-9-17, 14 07 29.jpg Photo 30-9-17, 14 07 20.jpg
P10 panels do the job nicely. With a little effort you can get additional letters ;)
yess that is what i like about the p10 panels easy to make a sign and easy to change what it says from day to day
I was thinking if anyone has built one with corro or metal frame (like mine above). I cant see it being an issue to make (just time and patience). The mapping in xlights to match the lights to form the letters would be easy as well.
Pixel matrix out of coro would also suffice - unlimited letters then
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

Hi, I can see where you are coming from. The ‘Happy’ and ‘Merry’ would be easy (not much difference). ‘Christmas’ and ‘New Year’ is a whole different kettle of fish, I’m not seeing anything in common that would make this an easy project unfortunately.
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One source of my dissatisfaction with my own display is a lack of Christmas motifs. I find the store bought ones generally to be too low resolution to be be visually pleasing. I haven't converted any of the store bought ones to pixels yet, as I suspect it may not be the solution I need. Now RGB neon might be the ducks nuts ....
I think that it would be fairly easy to do. You have the right amount of letters and spacing. MERRY HAPPY. CHR NEW. I space TMAS YEAR. You could simply put some extra wire to add an overlay of nodes to complete the different letters and then it would all come down to programming.
I have a similar sign for merry Christmas that I am going to do the same thing with the nodes. I am not going to do HNY though. I just think it would look good and could have quite nice effects over it. I have P10's as well but I don't think I would get what I am looking for with using them.