E1.31 Revisions - Public Review of Standard.


Senior elf
Jul 13, 2013
The E1.31 standard, is now in Public Review for an ammendment.
This standard describes a mechanism to transfer DMX512-A packets over a TCP/IP network using a subset of the ACN protocol suite. It covers data format, data protocol, data addressing, and network management It also outlines a synchronization method to help ensure that multiple sinks can process this data concurrently when supervised by the same controller. This revision includes the addition of DMX universe synchronization.

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The revision also includes a provision for Universe Discovery.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]You are able to participate! Download the documents and Review Forms from [/font]


ANSI procedures require that a standard be submitted to public review so that all parties materially affected have an opportunity to participate in its development. This ensures the standard reflects the consensus of opinion in the industry. A document is offered for public review for a limited period of time after which it is withdrawn for comment resolution and revision. If substantive changes are made to the document it will be offered for a subsequent public review. If no substantive changes are made and the working group is satisfied with the document, the standard will be put forth for acceptance as an American National Standard.The draft documents are produced by members of the working groups in the Technical Standards Program. Membership in the working groups is open to all who are materially affected by the work of the group; membership in PLASA or any other association is not a requirement. Voting members are required to attend meetings, but observer members are not, although they are welcome to attend and to speak on issues if they choose. More information about working groups and an application to join are available under the working groups link.
Each public review packet includes the draft document and a response form. There may also be an explanatory document that gives the purpose or background of the document, but this is optional. Please submit comments by the due date noted on the response form, which is the day before the day listed in the Review End Date column here. The review has ended when the Review End Date is reached.