E1.31 Standard Revision - Public Review Update.


Senior elf
Jul 13, 2013

The 3rd Public review of the standard has closed and there were only a few comments and I would expect that it will move to the new standard pretty much as it sits, with just a few minor text changes to correct some anomalies.

The Working Group received some comments from the Blinky community and we were appreciative of that, and those people will soon see responses to their comments.

I expect that the standard will get ratified in Q3 of this year. ( finally )...

FYI, as soon as the standard is closed, we'll be reopening it, to Ipv6 it, and also to look how we will increase the number of channels/universes and payloads.. We'll be heading for the billions of channels..i feel :)


Senior elf
Jul 13, 2013
Horrah! The paperwork is going to the CPWG at the next meeting for signoff, ( requires a vote, but i expect it will pass ) and then off to ANSI., and we might get it as a new standard before Christmas!


Senior elf
Jul 13, 2013
Standard is now at a point where we have got it ready for submission to ANSI. The CPWG meeting is in a couple of weeks and i expect it will get voted through without too much trouble.. Should take about 3 months for the new standard to be done and dusted.

I will be moving a motion at the next meeting, to reopen teh E1.31 standard immediately, so we can begin work on some more extensions to it.

  • Total Universes dramatically expanded,
  • Universe no longer constrained to 512 channels
  • Support for IPv6
  • Enhanced synchronisaiton

If theres anything that you'd like to see in E1.31 please say something!