Electrical contact spray


New elf
Oct 18, 2013
Years ago, I purchased some spray for my outside cat6 connections that would dissolve rust and increase the conductivity of the contacts. I cannot remember the name and brand of that spray that worked so well. Anyone remember what that spray was called? Thanks.
I don't know if you have CRC in the States but here I use one called CRC 2.26
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Yes, we have CRC 2-26 here in the states. Does it fix corroded terminals and protect electrical contacts from future corrosion? Thank you.
It doesn't fix corroded terminals, you'll need to get some elbow grease along with the 226 to clean up the corrosion first but then it'll help keep future corrosion at bay. Give the oil film at least 30mins - 1 hour to dry before powering anything up
We had a flood that inundated our factory in 2011 (2.1m/7feet high), we cleaned all the electrical components with clean water, then alcohol, and finally a lathering of 226. After 10 years almost everything is still going. Yeah, I swear by 226.