Enter The Powerboard Matrix


Proud to have the largest display on my street!
Nov 22, 2022
Not sure why but I seem to enjoy when I plug everything into what I call the Powerboard Matrix. It's like Tetris where I find the best way to fit all the plugs, transformers and controllers inside my weatherproof boxes.

Now let's enter the Matrix and take a look at how one single cable branches off to all the lights and decorations in my display while not exceeding the 2400 watt max load of the first powerboard.

Box 1
This is where the Matrix begins. A grey extension cable runs from the powerpoint and to a timer where the first powerboard is. Most of the Roof Display, an extension cable feeding Box 2 and a large transformer that feeds a string of coloured incandescent lights on the side fence are connected here. A second powerboard is connected to the first one but only 2 of it's 4 outlets have been used. The empty space above the 2 unused outlets is where the transformer for the fence lights is located.

Box 2
The gery extension cable runs across the roof from Box 1 over to Box 2. The remainder of the Roof Display and a white extension cable running to the Yard Display are connected here. An extremely short yellow extension cable runs to a double adaptor where the 2 remaining strings for the Roof Display are connected. I did this because a 6 outlet powerboard won't fit inside this box and the 2 power supplies connected to the double adaptor need to sit sideways in order for the cover to close securely.

Box 3
This is the main box for the Yard Display. I made this one from a chewed up storage container. It's inside my mailbox statue for added protection and to keep it hidden when people view the display. The white extension cable from Box 2 connects to a red and yellow cable which feeds Box 3 where the cables feeding Boxes 4-6 are connected alongside some nearby decorations. A transformer and some control boxes are are also housed here.

Box 4
Box 4 is the least crowded as it only has 2 strings of fairy lights and a ropelight connected to a powerboard fed by an extension cable that runs to Box 3.

Box 5
This one took a bit of Tetris to get everything to fit but in the end, it all worked. The grey cable on the right side runs from Box 3 and upon entering Box 5, a double adaptor with a 6 outlet powerboard and orange extension cable feeding Box 6 are connected. Only 4 of the 6 outlets on the powerboard have been used. This was done to create enough space for the bulky transformer plugs at either end of the board. Both of my inflatables and the middle section of the Yard Display are connected here.

Box 6
This is another homemade box and you can see the cutout I made for the cables. The orange extension cable running from Box 5 is plugged into a powerboard where the lights for the left side of the Yard Display are connected. A second powerboard has been used to provide space for some bulky adaptors. I tried to use a 6 outlet board here but the plugs wouldn't fit no matter how I had them arranged.

This is where the Matrix ends (For Now) but is likely to get extended with a 7th box. Just need to find a container I'm willing to sacrifice as I don't want to spend another $45 for another box.

Yes I made sure that the 2400 watt load of the first powerboard in the Matrix has not been exceeded.
After heavy rain, I always check for any water ingress that may have occurred.
When I ran the old style or even the first generation of standard dumb leds. I would make sure to get all strings with the same voltage, then rip out the psu and hook everything up to a larger capable PSU to remove all this mess. Plug Packs are a total pain, to work with.
I'm actually somewhat glad I made this post because I'm using the photos to remember where everything was plugged in.
It will also help me with adding new things since I know where the spare outlets are