Erratic LSP Output Behaviours


Full time elf
Dec 26, 2011
Armadale, Victoria
Eventually got LSP to output from the sequencer to my D2 tonight. Not sure what is different from when those helping me last night had (thanks again, but there is now output.

Would anybody be able to shed some light on why the output, is not as the sequence is made in the sequencer. It is meant to flash on and off every 1/2 second, however it seems to just be going on about about 2 seconds and then staying on.

Using the sliders under 'Test Controller Hardware' results in the lights reacting instantly to changes.

Thanks in advance for any and all help :)
I don't know if there is control of it anywhere but the dmx update frequency might be set to something low like once a second rather than 20-23 times/second.
It's set to 5ms which I think is 100 times faster than my sequence changes :p

The test screen was changing instantly so I don't think that is the issue.

Thanks for the fast response Alan :)
Actually, the refresh rate needs to be set to something like 20 or 40. Set to such a low number as yours, I believe you're telling LSP to do much more work than it needs to. And sometimes that makes LSP miss sending out an update and then the output seems jerky like you are describing.

Try a higher number and see if the behavior changes.

If your outputting from the sequencer then you may want to try and optimise the sequence first before outputting as this can cause some issues if not done. But 5ms is way too low and a setting of 25 to 30ms is more appropriate.

The other issue could actually be your network and in the past this has been a common issue with incorrect subnet masks or routing issues caused by wireless networks.
Switching to 30ms and optimizing the sequence and switching wifi on then off seems to fix the issue.

Maybe when sequencing leaving WiFi off all together is the best solution. Bit annoying though.

Thanks guys :)
2 Channels. Win 7 Ultimate x64, 16GB RAM, 2.xGHz quad core i7 (Laptop). No SSD.

I'm using an Atheros based ethernet port, so could that be an issue?

Was running on battery so that might have had something to do with it?
I would try to disable the wireless network and see if thats got anything to do with it as I know there have been a few that have had issues with laptops and their wireless network
Disabling WiFi did seem to make a bit of difference. Seemed to work ok after disabling, then enabling.
My home network uses the 10.0.0.x range and the D2 uses, so not sure if that could be causing an issue or not?