Experience with Neon Flex Tubing


Full time elf
Dec 26, 2016
So I saw today some neon flex tubing and was wondering if anyone had experience with it and how easy it is to add in to their displays? I was thinking of using it to create archers.
The neon flex can be treated like rope light where there are sections you can cut down to length. You would control this via a DC controller board. So you may also need the accessories for it like end caps and connectors if you plan to cut it down to size
Ruprect uses neon flex for his singing faces:
I have a fair bit of it here that I'd sell if you want it. There are no pixels in it but it has a pull through cord. It won't fit strip that's already in silicone tubing. Picture here https://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,8767.0.html
Yes I built my faces using single colour neon strip.
Looks good, is not the easiest to work with as its a PITA to fix/mount. but overall it did what I wanted.
Looking at your link I'm not sure how flexible that one would be? especially if it has strip in it.
The stuff I used could bend any way you want and fairly tightly as well.
Mine was 12V and I ran all 3 faces using one of Ray's 27Ch boards.
ah, ok... I missed the bit about it being strip inside the neon tube...

will look at 'true' neon flex then... are they available in RGB, or only single colour?

Not keen on the idea of a light set that is 110V or 240V along its entire length. I'd rather put up with power injecting than use a voltage that high.