F16V3 Falcon Ethernet ports not working


New elf
Dec 2, 2014
I have been using this F16V3 for a few years now. No issues. Testing everything out today and the Ethernet ports are not light up when I plug the PI in to it. I tested different Ethernet cables, tried to restart it, update the firmware, connected it to my laptop and still nothing. All the fuse lights are on. Any ideas?
factory reset it?

Silly question but you are using the eth ports and not the dmx ports right?
Yes I factory reset it and installed the latest firmware. Yes I tested different Ethernet cable in the eth ports on the falcon to the PI, router, and a laptop. The lights wont go on.
You are not trying to use the dmx outputs as eth ports are you?
Is the oled display working? are you powering it from the correct point?
I know dumb questions, but sometimes the biggest problems turn out to be finger trouble (I know this from experience)
You are not trying to use the dmx outputs as eth ports are you?
Is the oled display working? are you powering it from the correct point?
I know dumb questions, but sometimes the biggest problems turn out to be finger trouble (I know this from experience)
Nope using the ethernet port like I always did. Yes the display is working.