f16v3 with 2 smart recivers


New elf
Nov 30, 2011
Hi all

I got one thats making me scratch my head.
I have 1 x f16v3 no local lights attached,
1 x smart reciver in traditional mode plugged into dmx 1
3 props hanging off it ports 1,2,4

1 x smart reciver in traditional mode plugged into dmx 3 with mega tree hanging off its port 1
Now I had this all working, I'm sure I changed something in xlights when I was playing in there and broke it. But cant seem to get it to work even looking at the basics. seems to be hit and miss.

Even when just configuring direct on controller and using test i cant get them to all light up again. Hoping its something simple im missing.

Serial outputs
Port config

If anything stands out to anyone please feel free to point it out.
I'd really appreciate seeing what im missing:).


Hmm I thought only port 1, The Top port on the F16 could be used with a smart receiver? Did you check the manual?

"Quote from Manual"
The “DMX1” connector can also drive all 4 ports on a differential receiver without the need for a differential expansion board. A single port on the differential receiver can be driven if connected to either DMX 2 or DMX 3 ports.

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I was watching a video by Jeff (Canispater Christmas) and he made the same point. Only the first dmx port is used for smart receiver. Getting ready to fire up the same setup myself.
Thank you for your input

@LeighH - Yep re read the manual a few times, The statment you reference is what helped me map out the DMX3 port to use with the second reciver and to leave port 3 on the 1 reciver unused.

@Srmorgan - I belive I may have watched the same video when i was doing my inital planning on what to buy and it helped me to understand how i could leverage the smart recivers.. Contribuiting factor to me purchacing them.

They are great to consolidate the cables in my instance.

so the first DMX1 from every thing i can find pins out to all 4 ports on the smart reciver, dmx 2 only port 2 and dmx 3 only port 3.

So you can use all 3 dmx ports with smart recivers but it will limit the ports on each reciver you can use.

Serialoutput#2 : DMX2 : SmartReciver#P1
Serialoutput#3 : DMX3 : SmartReciver#P1
Serialoutput#1 : DMX1 : SmartReciver#P1,P4
Else if DMX2 and DMX3 are empty then
Serialoutput#1 : DMX1 : SmartReciver#P1,P2,P3,P4 Usable
There is a table in the manual that explains it but i found it better to visualise it as above and below while trouble shooting.

The above was activly working from xlights and board tests.
I changed something and have now borken it.. I think the issueis to do with me not fully understanding universes but could be wrong.
So turns out my issue is human error on my part, caused by Etherenet cable crimping cable miss match at each end (wont do them in dark next time). Thanks to the team on Zoom for pointing me in the right direction.