f48 controller

Jai Mcelroy

new elf
Jun 24, 2018
Chandlers Hill
So i am very new the x lights program and have been fiddling with it recently to try and figure out how it works. I have recently bought the new f48 controller. My issue is with the ports in particular these are the specs for the ports on the board.
48 pixel ports are divided up into 3 groups with a configurable max number of pixels per port in each group. All three groups share a portion of a 1024 max pixels per port. The user can set ports 1-16 to have a max pixel count of 512, ports 17-32 to have max count of 256 and ports 33-48 to have max count of 256. Max pixels per port in each group must always add up to 1024.

What i have found out by tinkering with the program is that, the program only allows for 340 pixles per port. Now as per the specs above port 1-16 are more the capable of doing that that means i cannot use 172 pixles that i could be using per port. Also is says that ports 17-48 can only go up to a max of 256 pixles per port which almost mean i cannot reach the maximum amount of pixles per port by 84. is there anyway to change this other wise 13632 pixles instead of the 16384 pixles promised by the manufactor.

Also any other advice would be much appreciated .
Have you adjusted the slider on the String Port Configuration Web Page?

16384 (16x1024) are the maximum pixels supported. Perhaps post some screenshots as I am not following why you think you cannot reach the maximum amount of pixels.
The 1st screenshot may be due to an attempted upload to an F16 V2 not a F48.
The 2nd screenshot is due to trying to exceed the 512 channels per universe. A start channel of 451 plus 50 pixels (150 channels) takes you past the top of the universe.
in the second screen shot I dIdnt know how it uploaded since every time i try to upload i got the error so im not entirely sure how that information was even displayed, the information was in the screen shot was only regrading the slider being maxed out and i never entered any information in manually that information was automatically put in by the program i assume. Also regrading the first screen shot there was only ever an option to upload to a falcon board never specifically which board if there is an option for this where do i find it?
Looks like you might have hit an xlights limitation rather than one of the f48. You might need to configure it manually instead of via xlights.
Could it have anything to do with my e131 setup it displays all my universes i have set which is 32 but does not display the start and end channels, the board is however capable of more universes as it capable of 49152 channels. Im also not sure if it displays that still I was watching a guide from a while ago so im unsure if the new version still displays that. oh im also not using the falcon player at the moment so im not sure if that has to do with anything.