F48v1 static and dhcp address always


New elf
May 18, 2013
Dusted off the old light display after a 2 year hiatus. The F48v1 has lost its old static IP address and is reading Ive entered the old static IP ( on the oled and did a save/reboot with no change. I've also tried changing to dhcp (with a save/reboot), but no new IP was assigned. Doesn't matter what I try to change while on static, the IP, subnet, gateway, mask, they all won't save the new addresses after the save/reboot. Has the on board memory failed? I'm out of ideas.
Might be worth factory resetting the controller and/or updating the firmware to the latest version.

Factory reset procedure below.

Have you also confirmed that the cable you're plugging into the network port actually does work? Perhaps try plugging it into a laptop and checking.

Perform the following steps:

Power off your controller and wait at least 20 seconds before proceeding.
Hold down the “Select” button. Keep holding it down while applying power to the controller.
Keep holding down the “Select Button” until you see Status LED1 and LED2 rapidly blink together and the OLED Display will display “Resetting Controller”
Release the “Select Button”, the controller will reboot with the default setti

just updated to firmware with no difference. I'm worried if I do a full reset Ill lose all my settings on the f48. I have no way of retreving any info as I have no access to the F48. Just to make things worse, my PC died earlier this year and I've lost everything. All my xlights and important info on settings for all my controllers. I was hoping to run the same show as everthing is ran off a pi with fpp.
That makes things a bit more challenging.

Have you tried any of my physical connection test suggestions above, just to rule out a dodgy cable.

Have you also confirmed that the cable you're plugging into the network port actually does work? Perhaps try plugging it into a laptop and checking.

The manual also says that the 2 ethernet ports at the top are connected to an internal switch so you should also be able to try the second port (just don't plug both in together)
I had the same idea. Tried the 2nd port on the f48 and other ports on my switch. I tried 2 different cables which worked fine on other controllers. Tried entering new IP with nothing conneced also with no luck. I'm a bit reluctant to do a factory reset.
The ethernet led lights on the port aren't lighting up either so thats also a problem.
I need someone with a bit more of a computer head to help retrieve some old back up files off an old portable hard drive to have some chance of getting something half back, (But thats another problem I need to sort out).
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That's a real shame, I'm not sure you've got too many other options with the current controller - unless anyone else here can think of anything.

There are a number of cloning tools and recovery tools available for recovering data from your external drive. I can suggest SpinRite (grc.com/Spinrite) as one I'm familiar with for in place data recovery for internal and external drives that won't read/load/other trouble (though external drive recovery can be a bit limited in this software). It is an old tool but a new version is about to drop soon.

All the best
Actually @macca76 noticed you mentioned fpp.

If fpp is sending your show data then that is what has your layouts, models, config etc. so you should be able to safely reset the f48.

I'm not sure if you can import an fseq from your FPP into xlights but that could be a way for you to recover what you had.

Does fpp work fine and can you connect to it?
yes. I can access the master fpp on the PI. It's runnig 2 other controllers ATM. I'm still setting up yard, so not sure if all controllers are good yet. The F48 was the first to be hooked up which is the most important. ( It runs half the pixels ive got).
Master FPP does have some configs on it but does it have all the different configs for each of the strings off each port for every differential controller on the F48?
As far as I understand in master/remote the master has high level information on total universes, channels and ips of controllers.

Each remote has the models and and channel info for each controller.

I only have one FPP instance and it definitely has all of my models, channel info, universes etc.

The string settings on your F48 are independent of FPP as far as I know.
Master FPP does have some configs on it but does it have all the different configs for each of the strings off each port for every differential controller on the F48?
No it does not. It will only have the E1.31 universe/channel configuration and FSEQ channels that map to those e1.31 channels.
It will not have the universe/channel mapping to physical output. This configuration is wholly contained within the F48 and FPP does not know (nor care) how the controller divides its universes and channels to specific outputs.
I stand corrected! Thanks @Skymaster
You were also correct with your response - I was elaborating on the last line.

As far as I understand in master/remote the master has high level information on total universes, channels and ips of controllers.

Each remote has the models and and channel info for each controller.

I only have one FPP instance and it definitely has all of my models, channel info, universes etc.

The string settings on your F48 are independent of FPP as far as I know.
FPP knows about the universes/channels that need to be sent to the F48 IP address.
The FSEQ file contains the channel data which maps out to these universes.
However, FPP does not know what the controller does with these channels once it gets the data.

In a master/remote situation, your response is correct; as well as the remotes (most often) being actual controllers, they will also have the mapping of channels to physical ports.
Remotes don't deal with universes (unless using E1.31 for xLights output to lights function), internally use the internal FSEQ / DDP channel numbers to map to strings.

Your master player can also have all the model information - that your Arch is there, but it only has that it sits at FSEQ channel 3823 to 3890. This is for Display Testing, so it generates data at those channel numbers, which then get mapped to the universes for E1.31
But, it doesnt know about which physical port, where on that port (is it first prop, 30th, etc) - this is all up to the controller.
Thanks for the clarification. So at the end of the day, I'm up HoHoHo creek.
it's likely a dead controller, but the step to confirm that is to factory reset
I bit the bullet and did a factory reset as posted above. Not sure how far the factory reset resets things, but firmware is still v2.59. I still have the original issue.
Looks like I've got a $350 paperweight