F8-PB Kulp controller not in the controller dropdown


New elf
Oct 11, 2013
I am using a F8-PB controller in my show. I have been using the K8-PB in my controller setup. I do not know that this is causing me any problems right now.
Based on how they work, with all the hard stuff delegated to FPP, I would think K8-PB or F8-B with no expansion would be fine, but if you do hit trouble it could be worked out by a tweak to some xcontroller file or something simple like that.

The most likely thing to go wrong is that this cape has 2 ports that can be used as either DMX or long range differential, and I'm not sure how you convince it to do the right thing. Ought to be on the controller web page or something so you can verify what it is thinking...
Right now I am just using 6 pixel ports was thinking a bout adding a differential receiver to it next year and was worried their might be a issue.
Dumb or smart receiver? The first port ought to be unambiguous, the second and third are also likely to work, just a question of whether it will take any tinkering.

I am betting it'll work with not much hassle, but the hobby has ways of fooling us all. Just get one cheap receiver and try it on the ports and see if you learn anything important.
Your biggest issue with selecting the wrong controller type in xLights, is when you move to FPP6. You will start to get errors that the configuration uploaded does not match the cape installed.

With FPP5.5, issues are silently ignored - so things _may_not work as expected, but you'd never know. I'm not sure how much difference there is in pinouts and string naming between the F8 and K8, and what issues might occur however.
For the F8-PB, you have to set the controller type to F8-B (not K8-PB). When the F8-PB came out, I kept the internal config exactly the same between it and the F8-B to avoid any required changes in FPP and xLights. That was likely not the best idea, but it worked well at the time.
For the F8-PB, you have to set the controller type to F8-B (not K8-PB). When the F8-PB came out, I kept the internal config exactly the same between it and the F8-B to avoid any required changes in FPP and xLights. That was likely not the best idea, but it worked well at the time.


I will make that change this weekend.

I have made plenty of decisions like that