Facebook voting for my display please


Dedicated elf
May 6, 2010
For my wonderful friends on Facebook, I have a big favor to ask. Our local radio station is running a competition for Christmas Lights in Lithgow, and we would like some votes. Every person who votes has a chance to win a Google Home, so you may win just for voting!

https://www.facebook.com/move1079/ is the link, scroll down to the Christmas Light Competition post (It's pinned). Look for posts by Jacob Rawsthorne, David Rawsthorne and Suellen Rawsthorne and vote (AKA Like the post) please.

Thanks heaps, even if you dont vote :)
Thanks everyone. We are on the last day for voting and I think we may just have enough likes to win, but winning is not that important when you compare it to the look of wonder on just one child as they watch our display. I think we would all agree we dont do this to win competitions, but for the visitors. Winning any competition would only be icing on the cake of a great year with our display.

Thanks to everyone who voted, and good luck to all those who are still waiting for their competitions to complete!
Apparently we won, so a big thanks to everyone who voted. We have yet to be officially notified, but they told my son I won when he asked when they were going to announce the winner.