Closed Falcon F16v2 E1.31 pixel controller Buy 2015 #2 - CLOSED

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Bulk buy close date
Aug 30, 2015
Put me down for a control board.
I am just a bit worried that our aussie dollar is going to kill us shortly, but I am so impressed with the first one, even though I don't yet need it, I will get a second ;-)
gerry said:
AussiePhil said:

1 controller
1 16 port expansion board

thanks for the late inclusion

Hi Phil,
What in tar-nation are you building this year ?

Nothing much, this is largely a conversion from J1Sys gear to F16v2 controllers, will still have some J1Sys gear in the show though.
Buy is now closed. All posts prior to this are OK. If anyone else has interst, please pm me and I will keep you updated with any future buys or availability.

I will advise when I receive updates on the manufacturing process.

I'm happy to be in line if anyone decides they cant fulfil their order, please send me a private message.


Hi Everyone,

The board house has been busy sourcing the components ready for assembly. There have been some delays in sourcing a couple of components so we are looking like late this month before the boards will arrive here for testing. I will of course do my best to do the software loads and testing and ship them out ASAP.

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