First time mega tree

Hi Terry

All I have ordered so far is

I am of cause waiting paitently for a FalconV16 to become available

Once I order the pixels I will also order things like, pig tails, additional wire, fuses etc
As a happy customer of these two vendors, I would suggest:

LEDs/Pixels from Paul Green -
Controller / HE123 from Alan Hanson -

Pigtails / Wire / Fuses /etc from either of the above.

For pixels, its probably nicer from a support perspective getting them locally. It appears on the surface more expensive, however by the time you factor in shipping, exchange rates, etc, it's actually pretty equal in price. Paul Green uses ETOP pixels, so it's the same factory regardless.

On the controller side of things - I run both Falcon and FPP based controllers, both have their own merits and pitfalls, and either would work well.