Flasher Control Unit Bypass


New elf
Nov 23, 2020
Appreciate any pointers anyone here may have. I have a couple of sets of LEDs from a few years ago I would really like to bypass the flasher unit of so the lights are just solid on. Unfortunately, my unit does not seem to match any of those in the Wiki article on this. The transformer/flasher unit is a 3-wire unit with a model number JT-EL/FC31V0.12A(3.6W).

Any pointers appreciated on how I might be able to either modify the controller, of if there is something I can buy off the shelf at Jaycar (or wherever) to just replace the flasher unit with a solid power supply. My longer term aim is to get something 'connected' so that I can control the tree lights turning on and off from Home Assistant, but for now I can just use a wifi power plug for that. Unfortunately the 'solid on' is the last in the flasher unit sequence, which has no memory, so now every time I turn it back on I have to manually press the mode button 7 times to get the right effect.

Can you supply a better picture of the controller from the output connector end. Some of the tracks are obscured so it's a bit hard to see where things go. I suspect that you'll need to bridge the 3 connections as per my edit of the pic but without seeing the slightly obscured bits I can't say 100%.PXL_20201122_041542871.jpg
Thanks so much for the reply. Have attached some additional pictures - do they show what you were needing?

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As far as I can see, Alan's spot on the money with the yellow lines.

The other option is to fit an EEPROM (IC) in the blank position so that it saves the last used mode. That would be more work and require some more investigation.
Now either @David_AVD or I should pull our finger out and add your controller to the wiki page.

I get the soldering iron out later and confirm it works. Thanks :)
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