found this link yesterday

A nearby eatery area has fairy lights in a lot of the trees. Looks great at night.

I've often wanted to use a breakout connector (like a 4 way T) to make it easier to wrap strings on footpath trees instead of having to daisy chain them.
Out of curiosity, I just checked out their Blue rope lights for $14 and thought I wonder how long, then I looked a little further and read per metre - Yikes.
As a newbie I made the fatal mistake of having purchased a whole heap of rope lights for my static display at the Bunnings end of year Christmas sale.2015
I used them Christmas 2016 -The same year I discovered ACL and blinky things and quickly discovered that I could not control them with the controllers I had purchased.
I used alternating Blue and white rope lights on the 24 arches down my driveway and set them to twinkle. I must say as a static display they look ok. I used them again Christmas 2017 and every single set of blue have dead sections - which I cannot repair - another lesson learnt . Further investigation revealed small amounts of water in the rope and lots of rusty LED's.
I have no idea if the moisture was from condensation forming due to our climate here in Qld, or if the connector to rope light tube are not completely sealed. Interesting enough all the Blue ones are Arlec brand. All the white ones, which are running fine are Bunnings own brand, xD
This is now a good excuse to upgrade to strings that I can control with my existing equipment. I originally thought of doing Pixels or dumb RGB, but have decided to go with just blue and white strings as doing fancy stuff may be disorientating for people walking down the driveway. A nice alternating twinkle will suffice.
A nearby eatery area has fairy lights in a lot of the trees. Looks great at night.
We have 3 x 600 strings of "Bunnings" multi coloured fairy lights in an umbrella tree and 3 x 600 strings of warm white lights on the poinciana tree.- all set to twinkle.
It takes about 4 hours to do each tree. Climbing and moving ladders is a pain.
Everyone comments how great they look, This year we copped a couple of bad storms and a huge branch from a gum tree fell and took out 6 driveway arches and smashed two branches off the Umbrella Tree, which unfortunately totaled the fairy lights.
Luckily no one was walking down the driveway as we received a "Higgins Storm Chasing" weather warning of two storms coming and possibly merging in our area so we shut down our display and closed the property to the public.
That is true if you go around the tree. Less hassles if you go up and down.
We put up and take down each year. Taking down is so much faster than putting up - but still a pain.