Friday Zoom session topics


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
Well I think it's safe to say that the Friday 14th Zoom show off session was a complete success (thanks again Keith for organising.)

It got me thinking that perhaps we could do some more semi-structured sessions starting next year (lets keep the room free for last minute troubleshooting or more show offs for now)
For those that tune into the midweek US sessions (usually ThursDAYs in AUS time) you will know that they are often quite structured with powerpoint slides, videos or live activities. The beauty of the Zoom online conferencing tool is that even if you don't have a microphone, you can still tune in and watch, and there is also a chat window to type questions or give feedback live. Plus the sessions can be recorded and re-uploaded to YouTube and ACL sites afterwards as future reference material, particularly if you can't make it on the night to tune in live.
We don't have to be as structured as the US sessions (although with a bit of prep they could be) but I thought I'd start this thread as an interest and topic suggestion place-mark.

So with that said, what type of topics would you all be interested to tune in to see or contribute towards on a Friday evening?
Reserved for compiled list of topics and possible presenters

xLights sequencing - show off of effects, how to use laying etc.
Around AUS - our own version of around the world sequence
New ideas/creation workshop. Give us your "what if" ideas and talk it out, see what comes of them.
Display troubleshooting. How best to find the cause of a fault/issue by process of elimination.
DMX Moving heads as part of your display. Setting up in yard, weatherproofing, sequencing...
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xlights effects, layering, buffers, render styles etc.

Even watching someone experienced in sequencing fumble through something live, I for one am bound to pick up some tips and tricks.

That's what I would benefit most from tbh.
I do like the idea of this.. Aussie zoom meetings

topic idea: Display troubleshooting... Basic guide to fault finding..
I'm happy to present this
never used zoom , what's the deal with it?
Online web conferencing. Allows users to speak using mic and/or webcam to show off issues. And on PC you can share your screen so if you have issues with setup of software, others can see or even take over and assist.
No mic or heaphones for your PC/laptop? No worries! It even works on mobile phone app. Very handy tool and free to download and use.
I've added a couple of ideas that have popped up in chat recently, and there was some initial interest in this idea of a loosely structured Friday night Zoom session for the Aussies (but OS is also very welcome!)
Might look to start in a couple of week's time, so keep the ideas/topics coming through and stay tuned for a schedule/calendar of talks soon.
Further to @Ellis topic, whoever the guru is could make a short (30sec ?) basic sequence that could be shared beforehand and then we could follow along on our own computers. Similar to what Lilian did a couple of years ago at xlights conf. If some one is struggling to follow along, then the guru could jump onto their screen to help.