Getting back into light after 6 years. need help


New elf
Jan 14, 2012
Hi all,

It's been some time since I have put up my lights. cleaned out the shed today and dusted them off. I think they should still work. I have some old P12R and P12S controllers that i'm sure are in need of an upgrade. What is everyone using now? the new falcon controllers look like the way to go for me I think.
I still use a P12R for testing and a P12S for one item. The other controllers are all Falcon F16V3's as they were readily available in Australia, so made expansion easy. I only retired the P12R and a P2 last year, so they still work OK, but for future expansion the falcon's make sense.
Thank for now I will stick with my P12R and P12S if they work. if all goes well I might have to invest in a nice new controller. a bit pricey at $200USD but guess the P12R was about that went it first come out too.

Here's hoping everything still works ok. don't really feel like rewiring everything. though I can feel I'm going to have a huge soldering job in my future
Welcome back. That would be what I would do, plug them in and run with them if they work. Upgrade/replace as they fail. As 'lithgowlights' mentioned, most here use Falcons which includes me.
Hi woolfiee I’m in the same boat as you mate. But does anyone know where I can locate somewhere to buy the falcon F16v3 from.