As some are already aware been playing with the a bit and have got it to a point it may be useful.
Attached in the ZIP you will find two vbscript files, they have some internal documentation so people can see what they do.
Also a sample pixelmap.csv is include. This is based on my own proposed mapping for the megatree.
This has been tested with the latest version of ImageMagick, the portable version.
Getting started:
Choose a location with plenty of space, though with todays HDD's this shouldn't matter.
ImageMagick download page
Once you have down all that you need some image files to actually process.
There are many options but for the Windows world VirtualDub is what i am using.
Sorry can't run through a how to use but the goal is to open a mpg file and then export as Image Sequence into the imageinput folder above.
Once you have a set of images in the folder, it's time then to get your hands dirty at the command line.
Open a CMD window and change to the drive and folder you created in the beginning.
Here is my full command line with all options
cscript imageprocess.vbs /inputfolder:imageinput /width:40 /height:56 /imagetype
ng /nogif:false
Check the images folders and see if it worked
if so, you can now run the ppmprocess.vbs file
here's my command line
cscript ppmprocess.vbs /outputfile:mymatrix.vir /mapfile
The pixelmap file was generated in excel and exported as a comma separated list, if no pixel map file is provided a 1:1 mapping is done.
Here's the headers from both script files
'Script ppmprocess.vbs Version 1.1
'Purpose: Convert a selection of PPM files into a Vixen Routine file
' Primary use for RGB Matrix sequencing.
'Author: Aussiephil from
' Script must be located in a parent folder to the PPM files, the ppm folder must be called outputppm.
' output folder vixenvir MUST exist.
'Copywrite: Aussiephil 2010... with credit to mrpackethead for the original perl scripting (that made little sense to me)
'Aurguments accepted by script
' /outputfile:<name of file>
' /mapfile:<name of file>
'Version 1.0: Released 16 Oct 2010
'Version 1.1: Released 18 Oct 2010
'Script imageprocess.vbs Version 1.1
'Purpose: Convert a selection of image files into PPM files that can be processed
' Primary use for RGB Matrix sequencing.
'Author: Aussiephil from
' Script must be located in a parent folder to the image files, the image folder defaults to imageinput.
' Output folders are created if they are missing
' The ImageMagick convert.exe MUST be located in a subfolder called IM6
'Copywrite: Aussiephil 2010... with credit to mrpackethead for the original perl scripting (that made little sense to me)
'Aurguments accepted by script
' /inputfolder:<name of folder> no trailing slash and defaults to imageinput
' /width:<pixel width of matrix>
' /height:<pixel height of matrix>
' /imagetype:<file extension of images> defaults to png
' /nogif:<true/false> only true required, defaults to false and outputs gif files to assist.
'Version 1.0: Released 16 Oct 2010
'Version 1.1: Released 18 Oct 2010
Version 1.2
Pixel Map now used correctly.
NOTE: after saving your csv file please open in notepad and remove the QUOTE marks around the text data especially the RGB entry.
The default output file is a pastelog file open this file select all, copy to clipboard and then just paste in Vixen.
NOTE: For larger matrix sizes this file can get quit large and have examples over a 100Mb. I would seriously recommend installing Notepad++ it's free and handles large files quite well.
Another file is created that contains a Channel Order for vixen, this can be pasted into a sequence file or a profile file, i would suggest the profile be used.
Attached in the ZIP you will find two vbscript files, they have some internal documentation so people can see what they do.
Also a sample pixelmap.csv is include. This is based on my own proposed mapping for the megatree.
This has been tested with the latest version of ImageMagick, the portable version.
Getting started:
Choose a location with plenty of space, though with todays HDD's this shouldn't matter.
- Create a folder and name it something sensible to you, mine is called TigerVMS (Tiger Vixen Matrix Scripts)
- Unzip the attached scripts into this this folder
- Create a subfolder called IM6, download the portable version of imagemagick and unzip into this folder.
- Create the vixenvir folder, this is not yet auto-created if missing
- Create the imageinput folder, this is the default location for image sequences.
ImageMagick download page
Once you have down all that you need some image files to actually process.
There are many options but for the Windows world VirtualDub is what i am using.
Sorry can't run through a how to use but the goal is to open a mpg file and then export as Image Sequence into the imageinput folder above.
Once you have a set of images in the folder, it's time then to get your hands dirty at the command line.
Open a CMD window and change to the drive and folder you created in the beginning.
Here is my full command line with all options
cscript imageprocess.vbs /inputfolder:imageinput /width:40 /height:56 /imagetype
Check the images folders and see if it worked
if so, you can now run the ppmprocess.vbs file
here's my command line
cscript ppmprocess.vbs /outputfile:mymatrix.vir /mapfile
The pixelmap file was generated in excel and exported as a comma separated list, if no pixel map file is provided a 1:1 mapping is done.
Here's the headers from both script files
'Script ppmprocess.vbs Version 1.1
'Purpose: Convert a selection of PPM files into a Vixen Routine file
' Primary use for RGB Matrix sequencing.
'Author: Aussiephil from
' Script must be located in a parent folder to the PPM files, the ppm folder must be called outputppm.
' output folder vixenvir MUST exist.
'Copywrite: Aussiephil 2010... with credit to mrpackethead for the original perl scripting (that made little sense to me)
'Aurguments accepted by script
' /outputfile:<name of file>
' /mapfile:<name of file>
'Version 1.0: Released 16 Oct 2010
'Version 1.1: Released 18 Oct 2010
'Script imageprocess.vbs Version 1.1
'Purpose: Convert a selection of image files into PPM files that can be processed
' Primary use for RGB Matrix sequencing.
'Author: Aussiephil from
' Script must be located in a parent folder to the image files, the image folder defaults to imageinput.
' Output folders are created if they are missing
' The ImageMagick convert.exe MUST be located in a subfolder called IM6
'Copywrite: Aussiephil 2010... with credit to mrpackethead for the original perl scripting (that made little sense to me)
'Aurguments accepted by script
' /inputfolder:<name of folder> no trailing slash and defaults to imageinput
' /width:<pixel width of matrix>
' /height:<pixel height of matrix>
' /imagetype:<file extension of images> defaults to png
' /nogif:<true/false> only true required, defaults to false and outputs gif files to assist.
'Version 1.0: Released 16 Oct 2010
'Version 1.1: Released 18 Oct 2010
Version 1.2
Pixel Map now used correctly.
NOTE: after saving your csv file please open in notepad and remove the QUOTE marks around the text data especially the RGB entry.
The default output file is a pastelog file open this file select all, copy to clipboard and then just paste in Vixen.
NOTE: For larger matrix sizes this file can get quit large and have examples over a 100Mb. I would seriously recommend installing Notepad++ it's free and handles large files quite well.
Another file is created that contains a Channel Order for vixen, this can be pasted into a sequence file or a profile file, i would suggest the profile be used.