
Ed Slonka Jr

New elf
Mar 31, 2011
Hi Everyone,
I have seen mentioned in several posts about grouping pixels to cut down on channels needing sequenced.
How is this done? Software, hardware or both in combination?
Thanks for any info. :)
Some hardware has this ability (I know the E681 does and I would guess the J1SYS stuff does also) but not all.
And I know Vixen and LSP can on the software side. Again I'm sure some software won't and others also do.
So if you would like to use this feature you need to make sure your software does or your hardware does. If neither does then you'll have change one or the other to get this feature or do without. Boy did that turn out to be a mouth full.

Yes Brian is correct, both the E68x and the ECG will do this and it can be done at a software level as well with some software packages. So if your using either of the above mentioned controller series then you will be able to do what you want.
Hls can group as many pixels as you like onto what is termed a pixel plane .

the pixel plane is 1 channel on the sequencer grid .

User's can drop nutcracker effects on this pixel plane or choose other effects that will affect all pixels on the plane .

Sequencing large intel pixel counts does not get any easier than Hls .
1. Grouping individual pixels into controllable groups at a hardware level, this effectively reduces the number of channels output from the computer. It was done originally in the DMX environment to increase the number of nodes that could be controlled from 512 channels.
100 Pixel String (300Ch) grouped as 2 requires only 150ch, as 10 req 30ch and as 100 pixel group just 3 channels and would then look and behave like a dumb string.

2. In software, channels can by group in say LSP as a controller group or even a Layer and acted on as one element for effects, this does not reduce the number of channels sent out from the computer but does ease the sequencing.

Note Vixen 2.x provides no grouping in software, LSP, HLS, LFP, Vix3 and LOR all provide some form of grouping of channels

AussiePhil said:
1. Grouping individual pixels into controllable groups at a hardware level, this effectively reduces the number of channels output from the computer. It was done originally in the DMX environment to increase the number of nodes that could be controlled from 512 channels.
100 Pixel String (300Ch) grouped as 2 requires only 150ch, as 10 req 30ch and as 100 pixel group just 3 channels and would then look and behave like a dumb string.

2. In software, channels can by group in say LSP as a controller group or even a Layer and acted on as one element for effects, this does not reduce the number of channels sent out from the computer but does ease the sequencing.

Note Vixen 2.x provides no grouping in software, LSP, HLS, LFP, Vix3 and LOR all provide some form of grouping of channels


+1 ^^^^ This is the best advice , as i could only give my opinion based on my experience which is still very limited .
AussiePhil said:
1. Grouping individual pixels into controllable groups at a hardware level, this effectively reduces the number of channels output from the computer. It was done originally in the DMX environment to increase the number of nodes that could be controlled from 512 channels.
100 Pixel String (300Ch) grouped as 2 requires only 150ch, as 10 req 30ch and as 100 pixel group just 3 channels and would then look and behave like a dumb string.

2. In software, channels can by group in say LSP as a controller group or even a Layer and acted on as one element for effects, this does not reduce the number of channels sent out from the computer but does ease the sequencing.

Note Vixen 2.x provides no grouping in software, LSP, HLS, LFP, Vix3 and LOR all provide some form of grouping of channels


Wow. Very well worded. Needs to be in a FAQ or Wiki or maybe Eddy's pixel document.
