happy australia day

Your a week behind :) Captain Phillip and the first fleet landed on 18-1-1788 in Botany Bay.
Which should be the day everyone complains about.
But that is a story for another time :p

But Happy Australia day right back at you :thumbsup:
what you point on 26 it was declared i would like to be on when came a federal government 1 st of jan
I would not like it to change as it may dilute the effect of "the invasion day" some of our native residents want all of us to remember, and remember we should. But we are all Australians , Aborigines, !st Fleet convicts and settlers and all the various immigrants that have come here to start a better life which our country has to offer. I celebrate Australia Day for what it has to offer us all into the future and remember the things of the past that may not have been so great.
into the future and remember the things of the past that may not have been so great. spot on
I was pointing out the ridiculous nature of the protests and wanting to change the date of Australia day. Yes I understand that according to history a lot was wrong with the treatment of the indigenous, but the protests are to disrupt everyone from celebrating our great nation.
We could change the date to whatever day we want, the day Captain Cook first claimed the land, the day the first fleet sailed into Sydney, or heaven forbid, years earlier when the Dutch actually "discovered" Australia. But at the end of the day there will be someone that has a complaint, and sorry, it is history, it is done, we cannot change the past.