Hello from Cranbourne Victoria.


New elf
Dec 27, 2015
Botanic Ridge
Hey All,

I'm new to all this stuff so just thought i would stop and say hi, to give my brain a rest from all the reading material on this forum.
I know its to late to start doing anything for this year but thought i would start getting my head around it for next year.

I have a few quick questions if someone could point me in the right direction.
- Is there someone local who would be interested in showing me the ropes ( Show me there display and how it all works)
-Question i can't get my head around. whats the best controller to use.I want to start small but don't want to have to start again when i get bigger.
-How do people secure things to a colour bond roof?? By this i mainly mean looking to work out outline the roof, but not sure how everyone is securing the strip lights down.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, feel free to drop into the chat (Just say hi - we dont all bite) and chat about anything from your lights, to where you want to go in the future. It's often easier than via messages and there are loads of people with experience in many different controllers so you can then research them and see what suits your needs
The best controller depends on what lights you want to have. I'm assuming you want pixels because you mention strips. If so, the larger pixel controllers like the F16v2 and the PixLite 16 MKII have the ability to run enormous numbers of pixels. The PixLite MKII supports more pixels in total than the F16v2 but the F16v2 has the advantage that it can run multiple pixel chip types at once. You can always post any shopping list on the forums including your first controller purchase and say what requirements you want it to meet. Anything with E1.31 input is a good start for pixels and you can add in other controllers later. A DMX512 output is helpful if you plan to add in controllers for store-bought lights. Both the PixLite and the F16v2 have this.

This thread shows how I attach lights to the roof. I do it the same way for strings and icicles. https://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,7954.0.html
Hi Simon, welcome to ACL!
Good to see another local too, where abouts in Cranny are you? I'm in the west, my back fence is Evans rd.
I plan to put up my display by Dec 1st so feel free to pop over next weekend if you like and I can take you through what I have. Ruprect (located in Botanic Ridge) and I have been inspiring each other (read: stealing ideas) for a couple of seasons now so together we have been steadily building up our displays :)
Hey djgra79,
Im on the west side as well. Im just off hall road, so really just around the corner. Would love to catch up if possible as trying to get my head around it all, at the moment. Hoping to get something up and running by next year.